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2022: A Year in Review

This year is almost in the books and the 2023 Legislation Session will begin next week, but before we say goodbye to 2022 it’s worth reflecting on how much was accomplished this year to create opportunity and help all Mississippians rise. Will you include us in your year-end giving?

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Here are a few moments from 2022 we’re especially proud of:

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School Celebration Bus Tour

We kicked off 2022 on the road! The Empower team boarded the National School Choice Week bus and took the celebration to schools across the state. From the Delta to South Mississippi and back to the state capital, we visited charter schools, private schools, special purpose schools and saw students thriving in the education setting that best fit their needs. We even had a few friends in the form of Southern Miss cheerleaders and mascot Seymour hop on the bus with us at various stops along the way to help students celebrate their schools. We are looking forward to celebrating National School Choice Week in 2023 back on the steps of the state capitol and hope to see you there.

Bill Signing for Tax Cut

The Mississippi Tax Freedom Act of 2022, the largest tax cut in state history, was signed into law by Governor Tate Reeves and we’re proud of the role Empower played helping to get that transformational change across the finish line. Empower spent two years building the case for substantive tax reform, by issuing the first dynamic economic modeling of income tax elimination plans, testifying at a joint legislative hearing, and engaging the media with over 1,100 mentions of our work to reach the general public with over 4.3 million views of our content on the web and social media. The end result is a phasing out of more than $500 million in income taxes over the next four years and a lower, flatter income tax forever.


Our new school accelerator, Embark, focused on finding, guiding, and investing in school founders in Mississippi, launched in December 2021. This year, Embark completed a 5-year strategic plan,

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