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State News

#MSLeg Roundup: Sunday Alcohol Sales, Raising Speed Limits, Medical Care for Incarcerated People

Mississippi may soon end its Prohibition-era law from 1907 to allow all cities to sell alcohol unless residents petition to vote to turn the...

Senate passes bill to create more uniform Mississippi youth court system 

The Mississippi Senate on Thursday passed a bill that would place a permanent, full-time youth court judge in every area of the state, potentially...

‘The Realignment’: GOP Sen. Hawley to introduce pro-union legislation

The Missouri senator would prefer if the president listened to him and helped get his latest pro-labor legislation into law. So would the Teamsters...

Ribeyes, foxes, with a side of zebras

Robert St. John says when you happen upon a place like Little Creek Landing, you can’t go just go once. In the 1990s, I...

The lessons of hitchhiking and wounded healers

People who have been hurt are the best as helping people who are hurting.  Ever hitchhiked?  Recommendation – don’t.  But here’s my story.  Trying to get...

Fine clothes

I clothed you also with embroidered cloth and shod you with fine leather. I wrapped you in fine linen and covered you with silk....

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