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Education Freedom Movement Continues National Momentum

Efforts to give parents more control over their children’s education continue to gain momentum across the country.

Education freedom is a concept that recognizes that all children are unique, with varying strengths and learning styles, and should have access to an educational setting that best suits their individual needs. It empowers parents with more options to make educational decisions that are in the best interest of each of their children. It encourages innovation in how education is delivered and in preparing students for the rapid changes in the world they will encounter as adults.

And it has captured America’s attention.

While many traditional public schools provide high-quality education, most are inevitably unable to meet the individual needs of every student. Some higher-income households can afford to pay for alternative education options, such as private school, if their assigned public school fails to meet their needs. However, many families lack the means to do so, particularly those with lower incomes or multiple children. Through education freedom programs, more parents are given the opportunity to choose the best educational option for their child.

This is because education freedom programs provide parents with financial resources to assist with private school tuition or other outside-the-classroom expenses, such as tutoring, online courses, and education therapies. These financial resources can come in different forms but are often distributed through education savings accounts or tuition tax credits.

What is an ESA?

K-12 education savings accounts, frequently referred to as “ESAs,” are taxpayer-funded accounts that are used for educational expenses, as directed by a student’s parents. In ESA programs, which now exist in 13 states, these funds can be used for a range of educational expenses including tuition and fees at private schools, textbooks, tutoring, educational therapies for special needs students, online courses, and other approved educational services. In a few states, ESAs can be used, to a limited extent, for homeschooling costs or transportation.

What are tuition tax credits?

Rather than the government providing funding through ESAs, some states offer parents assistance with many of these same types of educational expenses through refundable tax credits. Often called

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