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HB 27: Allow students with dyslexia to receive ESA

House Bill 27, sponsored by Rep. Larry Byrd, would allow students with a dyslexia diagnosis to be eligible for the education scholarship account program. 

The program is designed to help students with special needs but it is limited only to students with an Individualized Education Program. This would allow students with dyslexia, who often do not receive an IEP in relation to their diagnosis, to qualify. 

Under the ESA program, parents can direct their state education tax dollars to the educational setting and services of their choice. The ESAs can be used for tuition, therapy, textbooks, tutoring, transportation, and other qualified expenses.  

Last year, a similar bill passed the House unanimously but failed to receive consideration in the Senate. 

✅ Empower Mississippi supports this legislation.

It has been referred to education. You can read the bill here

Read original article by clicking here.

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