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Let Education Freedom Ring

This July 4th, our country celebrates 247 years of freedom. The ideals of freedom, equality, and opportunity that were enshrined in our nation’s founding documents have served as a beacon of hope and inspiration for generations of Americans and people the world over.  

As we reflect on the concept of freedom and those we are afforded today, it is time for Mississippi to talk about education freedom.  

Education freedom refers to the ability of parents to select the best education options for their children. It recognizes that all children are unique, full of potential, and deserving of a high-quality education that meets their individual needs and prepares them well for life. 

Much bigger than one specific policy proposal, education freedom is a concept that encompasses several key principles: 

  • Empowering parents to choose from a range of education options for their children. This may include traditional public schools, public charter schools, private schools, homeschooling, micro-schools, online learning, or other innovative models. 
  • Promoting equal access to education opportunities, ensuring that individuals from different backgrounds and locations can choose the education options that best suit their needs. 
  • Celebrating the reality that all children are unique. Education freedom supports the idea that education should be tailored to the individual student’s needs and interests. To that end, education freedom empowers teachers, parents, and students to make decisions about curriculum, teaching methods, and education goals that best fit the needs of the student.  
  • Encouraging the exploration and development of innovative teaching methods, technologies, and approaches to enhancing the quality of education. Education freedom supports experimentation and adaptation to best prepare students for the changing demands of society. 

    Mississippi’s current education system allows only very limited freedom. Students are mostly confined to a government-run public school based solely on where they live. This often keeps the most socio-economically challenged students out of high-performing public schools.

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