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Longtime Mississippi RNC member looks to block total Trump takeover until primary is officially over

As presidential primary season continues to ramp up on the Republican ticket, one party leader is offering two proposals to keep the GOP from becoming the Trump Party before a nominee is officially selected to face off against expected Democratic nominee President Joe Biden.

Henry Barbour, a longtime Republican National Committee member and nephew of former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, is looking to resolve what he believes to be “terrible precedents” for the RNC to set as the GOP primary is far from officially over. Barbour is asking the party to pursue neutrality and avoid paying any legal bills for candidates if those fees are not linked to the current election cycle.

The move by Barbour follows RNC chair Ronna McDaniel announcing that she will be resigning from her position at the committee’s spring training on March 8 as former president and 2024 GOP presidential hopeful Donald Trump called for new leadership at the top of the party.

Trump, still in the middle of a primary battle with former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, has urged RNC members to promote North Carolina GOP chair Michael Whatley to McDaniel’s post while naming daughter-in-law Laura Trump as co-chair and senior campaign advisor Chris LaCivita as the committee’s chief operating officer.

Barbour and a few RNC members took exception to the former commander-in-chief attempting to count his chickens before they hatch, as Trump has only secured 110 of the 1,215 delegates needed to become the Republican presidential nominee. The Trump camp, on the other hand, finds the primary election to be virtually over as the former President defeated Haley by 20 points in her home state this past Saturday.

Henry Barbour, a longtime RNC member, is looking to prevent a total Trump takeover until the primary election is over

To prevent a full Trump takeover of RNC leadership before the delegates are officially attained, Barbour is proposing a neutrality resolution to prohibit the party from taking on any staffers from a candidate’s campaign until that candidate has won the primary.

“We can’t change the rules in the middle of the game and that’s what

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