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Mississippi Democratic delegates unanimously endorse Kamala Harris for presidential nominee

Mississippi’s 35 delegates to the Democratic National Committee unanimously voted on Monday night to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee for president, aligning the state with the vast majority of delegates around the country.

“We will work diligently to ensure that she is the next president of the United States,” Mississippi Democratic Party Chairman Cheikh Taylor said in a statement. “The first woman and woman of color to serve us in the highest office in the land.” 

President Joe Biden on Sunday announced he was stepping aside as the Democratic nominee and endorsed Harris. Delegates to the convention will meet starting August 19 in Chicago to formally select a nominee.   

But several state delegations, including Mississippi, met late Monday to confirm their support for Harris. By Monday night, Harris had the support of well more than the 1,976 delegates she’ll need to win on a first ballot, according to a tally by the Associated Press.

“I know Kamala Harris, and let me tell you, the Republicans have no idea what they are about to face with her leading our ticket,” said Jacqueline Amos, a national committeewoman from Mississippi. “I call on all Democrats to join President Biden in endorsing Vice President Harris for the Presidency. 

Since Biden’s departure from the election, Harris has inherited his campaign staff and $96 million in cash. She also set a new 24-hour record for presidential donations on Monday.

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