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Working Hard or Hardly Working? 

This week we celebrate Labor Day, a day set aside to honor the American worker. This is a time meant to reflect on the value and dignity of work. Many celebrate this day, perhaps ironically, by taking a day off, and, for many of us in the South, this time of year is meant for celebrating the start of college football season. Just this past weekend, we watched as many of our in-state college football teams faced off on the gridiron amidst the sweltering heat of late summer.  

However, it’s important to take this moment to meditate on the importance of meaningful work. Meaningful work is about more than just a paycheck. It’s about purpose, identity, and a sense of belonging. When people are engaged in work they find fulfilling, it not only benefits them personally but also has a ripple effect on their families and communities.  

I’m reminded of a scene in Shrek 2 where Shrek, dressed as a factory worker, inconspicuously remarks to a fellow worker, “Working hard or hardly working.” As we celebrate this Labor Day, I wonder: 

Is Mississippi working hard or hardly working? 

We all know Mississippians work hard. The Magnolia State has long been a place where the value of hard work is deeply ingrained. This question is posed at a broader level and is meant to assess the state of meaningful work in the state we call home.  

One measure worth looking at to help us answer this question is unemployment rate. A state’s unemployment rate measures the percentage of people who are actively seeking employment but cannot find a job. During the month of July, we saw our unemployment rate reach another historic low. At a rate of 3.0, our unemployment rate outpaces the national average and is tied for 24th best in the country. This suggests that most Mississippians who are looking to work are finding opportunities to do so. It also seems to suggest that Mississippi is working hard. 

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