With the release of the 2023-2024 state assessment results, the Laurel School District achieved a notable seven-point increase, maintaining its C rating. These steady gains have brought the district within just 22 points of reaching its next goal of a B rating.
“Over the past several years, the district has made steady progress in a positive direction,” said Superintendent Dr. Michael Eubanks. “This year’s results speak to that continued growth. The team has studied the data, looked at areas of needed improvement, and have put plans in place to meet the needs of our students.”
One of the areas of intense focus has been science, and the work paid off for the district with a 9.2 percent-point increase in student proficiency over the previous year. Laurel Magnet School of the Arts saw the largest increase with a 31.8 percent-point increase in science proficiency, followed by Laurel High School with an 11.9 percent-point increase, and Laurel Middle School with a 7.8 percent-point increase.
“Our science teachers know that literacy is vital to student success in all areas and see it as a shared responsibility to increase reading comprehension throughout the district. They have risen to the challenge to incorporate engaging literacy strategies in their instruction, which has increased student mastery of science content, said District Science and Social Studies Coordinator Rebecca Hooper. “We are seeing the fruits of their hard work and dedication as educators.”
Laurel Middle School made significant strides, increasing by 39 overall points and improving its rating from a D to a C. The school saw 3.7 percent-point increase in reading proficiency, a 5.7 percent-point increase in math proficiency, and a 7.8 percent-point increase in science proficiency. Laurel Upper Elementary School advanced from an F to a D, with a 6.6 percent-point increase in math growth and a 29.1 percent-point improvement in the math performance of the bottom 25 percent of students. Oak Park Elementary School gained 23 overall points, moving from a D to a C, driven by an 6.7 percent-point increase in reading growth and a 17 percent-point increase in math growth. Laurel Magnet School of the Arts, recognized as a 2023 National Blue Ribbon School, maintained its A rating. Laurel High School achieved a C rating, with improvements in science and history proficiency, and impressive scores of 94.6 percent in math growth and 100 percent in math low growth, reflecting strong progress among the bottom 25 percent of students. The school also nearly doubled its points in college and career readiness. Finally, Nora Davis Elementary School received a D rating but came within just 7 points of achieving a C.
“I am proud of the hard work and dedication of our faculty and staff,” Eubanks said. “Sustainable progress isn’t fast, and takes determination and a commitment to excellence. The Laurel team is putting in the work, and it shows. However, there is still more to be done.”
With the 2024-2025 school year underway, the district is prioritizing efforts to strengthen teacher capacity and enhance student learning. In addition, there is a renewed emphasis on literacy, with a focus on building the foundational support systems necessary for student success. The district is also continuing its commitment to evaluation, progress monitoring, and delivering effective feedback to drive ongoing improvement.
“There’s no secret to improving student performance. It’s effective teaching, combined with a strong curriculum, that produces results,” Eubanks said. “My team understands the importance of focusing on the fundamentals. To use a football analogy, we’re going to ‘block and tackle’—master the basics and Rise to the Challenge.”
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