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Thankful for: Their Service

While families throughout The City Beautiful will be gathering to give thanks, we would like to highlight some of the recent events in Laurel that we can all be thankful for!

One thing we can all appreciate is the service and devotion of our local fire department. Members of the Laurel Fire Department train hard and work harder to keep our community safe.

In recognition of their exemplary service, on Thursday, October 17th, each member of the Laurel Fire Department was honored with the title of “Firefighter of the Year” during their annual Firefighter of the Year ceremony.

The firefighter of the year is traditionally selected by a secret ballot among all of the members of the department. However, this year, Chief Leo Brown explained that since the year had been hard and that everyone had demonstrated exemplary dedication and service to the city by putting the city and the department’s needs first, he had decided to award them all.

Each firefighter received a certificate and a gift card sponsored by Brian Ginn State Farm.

“I’m proud of you all,” Chief Brown told his department. “Keep up the good work!”

Read original article by clicking here.

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