Somebody sure was having a good time together, but it didn’t involve Kim Bradley. Expressing outrage that the 3D lounge was able to open with only 47 parking spaces for an occupancy permit of 325 patrons, Councilman Bradley said in session to Mayor Johnny Dupree, “If I were the Thirsty Hippo, I would sue the city.” and “I guess we are going to have 9 people per car”. Mayor Dupree responded that these were a different set of circumstances, but didn’t outline the circumstances. Ware chuckled and cracked jokes about the lounge being named after Councilwoman Delgado with her initials being “DDD”. Councilman Ware, I wonder if the Thirsty Hippo is laughing?
What’s interesting and came to light recently was Hattiesburg Councilwoman Deborah Delgado and Councilman Dave ware were caught together at the 3D lounge, and Bradley sounds like he wants to get to the bottom of it, figuratively speaking of course.