Below is the live video stream of the Ware vs Dupree Election Challenge. Please tweet or recommend this page and remember to follow us on Facebook. This live feed will begin Tuesday July 23rd at 9:45am. This trial is about a free and fair election and transparency in Hattiesburg’s local government. Dupree supporters will attempt to make this about race and a continued struggle for civil rights. The race baiting group of preachers in Hattiesburg will no doubt seize on this opportunity to regain relevance and divide our city. In reality this is about corruption in our local government, a lack of accountability to our citizens, and a complete lack of transparency. The Hattiesburg Patriot has repeatedly investigated and reported on this corrupt administration as evidenced in the Mayor Johnny Dupree section of our website. Mayor dupree has sold out the masses to build a crony filled government, and now it is all coming home to roost.
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