The Hattiesburg City Council had an emergency meeting today which included a briefing from the city’s emergency planner. The primary emergency evacuation shelter is the Forrest County multi-purpose center. Southbound lanes north of the Mississippi state lines will remain southbound. This will prevent a massive flood of traffic into the Hub City. The emergency management director stated,”We are going to have significant power outages and 10 inches of rain.” He commented that the outages will be “no where near Katrina outages.” He also said winds would be 50-60 miles per hour.
City sanitation is scheduled to operate on schedule. However, recycling will be altered as follows- Wednesday recycling will be picked up on Thursday, Thursday recycling will be picked up on Friday, and Friday recycling will be picked up on Saturday. In an effort to provide faster non-emergent assistance, we are working directly with our Ward 4 neighborhood association partners on the ground. If you or a neighbor need help resolving a non-emergent situation contact your neighborhood representative listed below. You may also contact me directly.Remember that text messaging and emails are a more effective means of communication during weather events.
The video of this brief meeting is below. There were other details in the meeting contained in the video below. Share this to help get the word out. Parts of this video will be on the ten o’clock new, but you can see the entire video unedited here. Please tell your friends to check us out.
[FMP width=”500″ height=”281″]/wp-content/Video/Edited-Council-Video/08/Emergency-Meeting-Hurricane.m4v[/FMP]