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Sheriff Billy McGee Sued For Allegedly Breaking Up Family with Extramarital Affair

Sheriff Billy Mcgee
Unafraid to Lead? it appears the Forrest County Sheriff’s Department is in need of new leadership.

Things just keep getting worse and worse for Sheriff Billy McGee.  Lawsuits are piling up against the Sheriff and his troubled department. The FBI, State Auditor, and DEA allegedly have investigations into years of food theft, mishandling of drug evidence, and sex with inmates at the Billy McGee Detention Center. Meanwhile, McGee has allegedly been carrying on an affair while on the job with a woman he was meeting in his county vehicle, using undercover plates. Documents obtained by the Hattiesburg Patriot allege one location McGee was tracked to in a meeting with his mistress was the Sacred Heart School parking lot.

In the latest lawsuit, McGee is accused of Alienation of Affection resulting from his involvement in the affair.  It is alleged that he encouraged the breakup of the marriage and family.  According to documents obtained by the Hattiesburg Patriot,  McGee’s wife learned of the affair, and she allegedly bugged his vehicles with a voice activated recorder and GPS tracking device.   Mrs. McGee was subpoenaed in court for the records but invoked spousal privilege and the 5th amendment in her successful attempt to quash the subpoena. That article can be read HERE.

McGee is the head of the Forrest County Sheriff’s Department and responsible for setting the moral standard. If McGee can’t keep a vow to his wife, how can voters expect him to keep his oath of office and run the department with moral authority?

The Alienation of Affection lawsuit is below. The Hattiesburg Patriot has redacted the names of the private citizens involved in the lawsuit to protect their privacy.  Read More about the problems at the jail HERE.



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