It’s the end of January, the everlasting month which has got to have at least 54 weeks, or so it seems. You’ve been hard at work meeting the goals you set for yourself for the new year, and you may be pretty grouchy by this time.
So, take a breather and enjoy a few light-hearted minutes of interesting health-related trivia.
Did you know…
Your eyes blink around 20 times a minute. That’s more than 10 million times a year. Your ears never stop growing! Earwax is actually a type of sweat. The tongue is covered in about 8,000 taste-buds, each containing up to 100 cells helping you taste your food. In the U.S., two out of three people do not have perfect vision (20/20). More germs are transferred by shaking hands than by kissing. Our hands come into contact with millions of germs and bacteria each day. Lack of sleep can kill someone sooner than starvation. Chronic sleep deprivation is linked to a higher risk for cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance, obesity, and a host of other life-threatening conditions. Ten percent of your body mass is made up of your blood. The average adult human blood supply clocks in at around eight to 10 pints or roughly five liters. As such, your body has enough iron to make a three-inch-long nail. A quarter of human bones are found in the feet. One-fourth of all of the bones in your body are in your feet—which are made up of 26 bones and 33 joints each—for a grand total of 52 bones in each foot. Humans are the only animals who cry when emotional. Other animals may shed tears, but they don’t do so out of sadness. Most people produce enough saliva in their lifetimes to fill two swimming pools or about 500 bathtubs. Saliva protects our mouths from oral infections while also helping us begin digesting our food. In most people, the left lung is 10% smaller than the right. This is because the heart takes up a significant amount of space on the left side. Human noses can remember 50,000 different scents. Still, the human nose is not nearly as powerful as a dog’s, whose sense of smell is 1,000 to 10,000 times better than ours. Our brains don’t feel pain. We have pain receptors and process pain signals in our brains, but the brain itself does not feel pain. The
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