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Father’s Day

Dads are a funny lot. There are those who fish and hunt and others who participate in all types of sports – golf, pickleball, tennis, cycling. There are dads who mow, cut, trim, rake, and whack away at things in the yard. There are those dads who are very computer savvy and tinker with techy stuff, and then there are just dads. They occasionally throw something on the grill. They get out and hand wash the car, or sit in front of the television. They go to church on Sunday. They go to work. But for the most part lead a pretty ho-hum life.

There are the guys who put on a sport coat to attend dance and piano recitals, trek to band concerts, and Friday night game performances near and far, and sporting events for a multitude of games or matches.

But dads have also done quite a lot during their years.

In order to get your permit or driver’s license, is Dad the one who taught you to drive an automatic or better yet, a stick shift in the parking lot at the school, the church or a shopping center after hours?

Was he the one who provided the finer tips on mowing a lawn…always reminding you to mow so the mower threw the grass out into an area you’d already mowed because if you blew it into the area yet to be mowed then you were mowing it twice!

Is this the guy who grudgingly moved you and your shoes and all your other stuff into a college dorm room or apartment while muttering, “No one needs this much stuff!”

Is he the one who drove you all over the neighborhood when the dog/cat went missing or put the jungle gym “you just had to have” together?

Did he make you work in the garden pulling weeds, picking peas, butterbeans, or some other vegetable despite the fact that there were what appeared to be multi-jointed killer grasshoppers as big as your foot lurking and would most assuredly attack you?

Was he the one who taught you to ride your bicycle without the training wheels or put up the new basketball goal Santa brought? And what about that pogo stick?

How many times have you been embarrassed by this man wearing his tall dark dress socks with his shorts? Or telling a corny joke or story to a

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