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New Year’s Resolutions

Should old acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind
Should old acquaintance be forgot
And auld lang syne

2024…. It’s just another auld lang syne. A new year. A new you. A fresh start.

Do you have health goals, financial goals, do you want to stop smoking, spend more time with your family, read more books, or get more sleep? There are millions of others out there hoping for the same thing.

Are your goals and plans in place or are you just going to wing it? A lot of people believe that by making resolutions you are setting yourself up to fail. Research shows that only about 16 percent of people are able to follow through with their resolutions.  Most give them up within one to six weeks after starting, citing their failures on lack of time, resources and motivation. But in order to meet your goals you should have a plan in place to make the whole process much easier.

Here are some tips and things to think about as you embark on a fresh slate of 365 days.

Set realistic goals. Take baby steps. If you want to lose 60 pounds then set a smaller goal of 20 pounds or even 10 pounds. Once you reach that goal, set another goal. And set a reasonable time frame for meeting that goal. You didn’t gain that 60 pounds overnight, so give yourself time to lose it. If you want to save $1,000 then start with a goal of $50 or $100 and work your way up. And remember, you won’t get rich fast.

Make a plan and stick to it. Be committed to whatever you decide. If you are going to make more time to spend with family, then don’t cancel family plans for something else that might come up that you really want to do. Do you pencil in time for exercise just like you would a doctor’s appointment or a work meeting? It’s just as important, if not moreso. In order to reach a goal, you’ve got to make it a habit, a part of your daily routine. It’s just like other things you do day in and day out. If you are constantly making excuses for why you can’t or won’t do something, then your plan is doomed from the start.

Make changes. If your plan isn’t working, then change it. But give it some time. It

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