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Preparing for a 5K

Have you ever wanted to run a 5K but didn’t know where to start? No problem, we’re here to help! Regardless of your fitness level, you can learn how to prepare for a 5K race. First and foremost, speak with your healthcare provider to ensure you are in good health before you start to train!!

There are countless programs that will give you step-by-step instruction on preparing for a race. Some programs are only 6 weeks long, while others go up to 12 weeks. The most common, however, is an 8-week program. Commonly referred to as a Couch To 5K, this 8-week plan uses interval training to condition your body in just a short amount of time. It’s estimated more than 5 million runners have used variations of the Couch To 5K method. But why is this method so popular? It’s simple.

That’s point number one, it’s simple. You have the map from starting point to ending point before you even begin. The stress of creating a plan is often times what keeps people from actually getting started. This offers a tried-and-true method that has generated success for millions of people.

Number two, it’s approachable. Even if you have never run before, this method starts off with bite-sized running intervals anyone can at least attempt. Run for 60 seconds? That’s nothing, I can try that!

Lastly, there is a solid goal at the end. All of the work and effort you put in during the past 8 weeks can be applied to an actual 5K race. If you get to the end of the plan and decide you don’t want to run the 5K, you’ve still gained so much! You get to see yourself start and finish something that maybe you thought you couldn’t do, you feel better, you have more energy, you are stronger – both physically and mentally, you have a sense of accomplishment…  certainly not 8 weeks wasted.

Now that we have our motivation to train, let’s go over what type of training is actually involved. You will use a variety of interval training and strength training. Interval training is a mixture of walking and running, while strength training focuses more on exercises that strengthen your core, legs, and glutes. Interval training is ideal for those new to running because the variety of walking and running forces your lungs and heart to adapt quicker, thus training them

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