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Political Possum: Gia Croom’s fainting spell foils $600,000,000 “Sewage Heist” Turning “Land App” into “Land Nap.”

As citizens were ordered to vacate citizen’s council quarters for a closed door executive session, Hattiesburg native Gia Croom fell out in the floor in what became a prolonged fainting spell, delaying the proceedings. First responders arrived, carting her off in an ambulance. Meanwhile, Councilwoman Deborah Delgado raced at breakneck speed from Washington D.C. to attend the meeting and prevent an override of Johnny Dupree’s veto of sewer rate increases.

Gia Croom fainting goat hattiesburg
Picture above is a “fainting goat.” These goats have a condition when threatened or under stress, they seize up without ever losing consciousness. See video below and to the left.

A veto override requires a 66% majority. A 3 to 2 vote is a 60% majority and a 3 to 1 vote is a 75% majority. According to Delgado, she was in D.C lobbying for funding to help her beleaguered community’s “Twin Forks Rising” revitalization project.

Gia Croom has two Facebook pages. One identifies Croom as a resident of Hattiesburg and being employed at the Hattiesburg Public School District, while another identified Croom as a resident of Jackson with her hometown being Hattiesburg.   Croom can be seen on video with the Hattiesburg American talking about the city government. It is not clear why she fainted at today’s meeting, but some suggest on social media that she may suffer from “fainting goat syndrome.”

Timing is of the essence in putting forth a waste-water treatment solution. Hattiesburg is under a court’s order of agreement related to a lawsuit by the Gulf Restoration Network. Hattiesburg has to solve the issues which has resulted in over 5000 EPA violations from the city’s dumping of polluted waste in the Leaf River.  The council passed sewage rate increases, thereby allowing revenue bonds to be issued for the purpose of funding Oral Surgeon and Developer Bennett York’s “Groundworx” land application project. York stands to profit handsomely from the 30 year $600,000,000 Hattiesburg sewage project.

With an unforeseen delay such as this, York’s options could expire leaving him with a  $2,000,000 pile of worthless land options; not to mention cause for legal actions against the city / taxpayers. York is said to be “all in” with $1.2 million in cash and obligations to pay another $800,000.  For Hattiesburg taxpayers, at stake are many millions of dollars in potential fines and litigation costs if the city fails to meet the court’s order in our agreement with the Gulf Restoration Network.  The stakes are truly high for such political games.

Ron Woullard explains how he INNOCENTLY approached two jurors at lunch.
Rod Woullard explains how he INNOCENTLY approached two jurors at lunch during the July Ware vs Dupree election challenge.

Sources have told the Hattiesburg Patriot that County Supervisor Rod Woullard contacted York and foretold that rate increases would be vetoed unless Hattiesburg Police Chief Frazier Bolton is reappointed by council. The facts do point to more Dupree shenanigans. Dupree has had over two years to bring up an objection to sewer rate increases and offer an alternate method for funding. In the two years of hearings, Dupree never mentioned a 1% sales tax increase, until this month. It has become clear that Chief Bolton is not likely going to get reappointed in the wake of the Municipal Court bribery scandal, evidence locker theft by officers, and a dwindling police department.  It is also clear that Hattiesburg taxpayers are suffering from the inability of city leadership to do what is best for the city.

Hattiesburg City Attorney Charles Lawrence sued for $600,000 over alleged unethical behavior, slander, gross negligence, and violation of attorney-client privilege

The chickens are now coming home to roost for disgraced City Attorney Charles Lawrence and the Dupree Administration. Lawrence has now been sued to the tune of a $600,000 lawsuit filed by Hattiesburg citizen and Dave Ware supporter Arthur Smith.  Smith, who campaigned for Dave Ware in Ware’s bid for the Mayor’s seat cast an absentee ballot for the June 4th election which was never found during the post election inspections.  Smith’s envelope, application, and ballot were nowhere to be found.

According to the complaint, Smith contacted Lawrence in years past over minor charges in Texas, but subsequently used a Texas attorney to handle the matters. During the trial, Lawrence ordered disgraced HPD Major Hardy Sims to pull what was an illegal, federal background check on Smith. The Dupree administration and its minions would go to any length to cling to power; even break the laws they were sworn to uphold.

Disgraced City Attorney Charles Lawrence allegedly uses "precogs" to help him predict when crimes are about to happen.
Disgraced City Attorney Charles Lawrence allegedly uses “precogs” to help him predict when crimes are about to happen.

When challenged by the media over the NCIC federal background check, Lawrence made statements that alleged Mr. Smith had committed felonies, when in fact they were misdemeanor charges. Lawrence also said he had the illegal federal background check pulled “in anticipation of a crime about to be committed.” Apparently Lawrence has a trio of “Precogs” like the ones seen in the Tom Cruise 2002 blockbuster Minority Report, which help him to predict crimes before they even occur.

Lawrence’s daughter, an attorney for the Department of Justice was reported on by this blog for alleged illegal voting. According to Ms. Lawrence’s Linkedin account, she resided in Washington, DC for a number of years prior to the mayor’s race; yet cast an absentee ballot in the Hattiesburg Mayor’s election. Click here to read about City Attorney Charles Lawrence’s daughter, Attorney Chari Lawrence, alleged illegal voting. It should come as no surprise that her vote was not lost or destroyed.

Click here to read the transcript from the Ware vs Dupree Trial discussing Lawrence’s disgraceful actions in the judge’s chambers.

Click here to read allegations of City Attorney Lawrence covering up crimes in the Dupree Administration.

Read Arthur Smiths full complaint is below.


Mayor Dupree Ignored Gas Theft Controls and Internal Auditor Recommendations Found in a 2012 Investigation Summary of Public Works Department

If one wants to allow, or facilitate theft and fraud within an organization, a lack of proper accounting controls and no internal audits would be textbook ways to carry out that goal. By not having proper accounting controls and reporting, theft and fraud could go unnoticed  with near impunity. Evidence of theft becomes essentially non-existent or too costly and time-consuming to investigate and uncover.

Back in 2013 this blog exposed alleged schemes to defraud taxpayers of thousands of dollars within the City of Hattiesburg’s Public Works Department. In the course of investigating, the Hattiesburg Patriot submitted two record requests.  One request was for the investigative summary conducted by the city’s accounting agency Nicholson and Company, PLLC,  and another request was for HPD’s closed investigation summary of the department. Mayor Dupree and City Attorney Charles Lawrence refused all requests for these records. The reason for the denial of the records requests was “personnel matters.” Taxpayers funded both investigations.

Records exempt from public access as listed under statute § 25-61-11. Exempted or privileged records.  The statute pertaining to disclosure of personnel information is code section  25-1-100  The Hattiesburg Patriot being denied the investigative summary into departmental theft and alleged criminal activity, as well as a closed police investigation summary, are not protected under Mississippi Code.  However, this blog lacked the financial resources to file suit in Circuit Court to get a court order for these documents.  This scheme was only exposed when restitution was paid back to the city by the Head of Public Works, Russell Davis and Department Manager, Tim Pittman. Receipts paid to the city are not protected by any privacy laws. So, City Attorney Charles Lawrence couldn’t devise a reason to deny a request for city receipts.

A portion of Nicholson and Associates Investigative Summary into the Public Works Department.
Click to enlarge. A portion of Nicholson and Associates Investigative Summary into the Public Works Department outlines recommendations to prevent gas theft in the future. Mayor Dupree never implemented the control procedures, which led to over $20,000 in gas theft in the water department.

The alleged fraud involved overtime and payroll schemes, maintenance of private vehicles with city paid workers and facilities, as well as the maintenance of a private vegetable garden with city worker labor.  The article documenting the alleged fraud is titled Mayor Johnny Dupree Cited “personnel matters” in Scheme: Russell Davis & Tim Pittmon Repaid Over $28,000. Davis and Pittman no longer work with the city.

The Hattiesburg Patriot has finally obtained a copy of the report, which outlines Nicholson and Company’s findings and recommendations.  This report has never been made available to the public before.  The investigation was ordered by the city council.  It is clear in this report’s finding that possible gasoline abuse was at play in Public Works back in early 2012, and recommendations were made to prevent this abuse from re-occurring. Additionally the report recommends that an internal auditor be hired and that they report to the City Clerk.  Both of these recommendations were ignored by Mayor Dupree, and they were never put on the agenda to remedy the obvious holes in financial security of taxpayer resources. Had these controls been in place, the gas theft in the water department (around election time) would not have happened. Explanations one could conclude as to why Dupree did not implement these findings would either be: (1) incompetence (2) apathy (3) a role in a possible cover-up (4) involvement in a conspiracy. The Hattiesburg Patriot further alleges that City Attorney Charles Lawrence’s denial was not only unlawful, but possibly a conspiracy to cover-up alleged crimes from public scrutiny.


The full Nicholson and Associates investigation summary is below.



Mayor Dupree Failed to Disclose Repeated, Fraudulent Gasoline Purchases to Council in Claims Dockets


Note the times and amounts of the repeaded fillups. Cars were being fueled minutes apart.
Click to enlarge.  Note the times and amounts of the repeated fill-ups. Cars were fueled minutes apart.

Every city council meeting there is a claims docket whereby city council approves expenditures.  On Monday December 16th there was a slight hiccup in the approval process. Council members brought into question clearly fraudulent gasoline expenditures racking up within the Water Department. The water department has two vehicles being used and gasoline is purchased at a local gas station using a city credit card. Each card is equipped with a pin number associated with a city vehicle. So, what’s so unusual about the gasoline purchases? For the month of November  the water department and its two vehicles billed over $10,171.61 in gasoline expense. In comparison the entire police department’s fleet of 100+ vehicles spent $5577.04 on fuel costs.

The two vehicles attached to the charges were a 1997 Chevy Pickup and a 2000 Dodge Caravan. The Chevy Pickup, (unit # 9745) billed $313.00 in fuel; while the Dodge Caravan, (unit # 11912) billed a whopping $9858.61. The Chevy Pickup has not been in the city’s fleet for some time, while the Caravan has not been in operation.

It is not clear how long the scam, or “hustle” as some say, has been going on, but it should come as no surprise given the problems other departments have faced. The Dupree Administration has been racked with allegations of corruption and criminal activity by this and other responsible media outlets. The long list of alleged corrupt activities has mounted against the Dupree Administration ranging from:

(1) voter fraud
(2) employee theft
(3) evidence room theft
(4) city computer hard drive theft
(5) overtime schemes
(6) fuel theft
(7) Waste water treatment theft
(8) Municipal Court bribes

One such incident #5 occurred at the Public Works Department when under the leadership and management of Russell Davis and Tim Pittmon. Both men repaid the city $14,000 each (click link to read story) for loss to taxpayers relating to an overtime scheme where employees were being paid but were not on the job. Pittmon and Davis have also been linked to two LLCs (Apollo, LLC and Carousel LLC) which received a number of bids from the city; while the men were also employed by the city. This internal bidding, being a clear conflict of interest, is likely what resulted in the LLCs being moved into a relative’s name.

Another incident which occurred was the theft of tens of thousands of dollars of wastewater aerator moters (click link to read story). Both the director and manager of that department left the city. HPD investigated the theft, but no arrest were made.  Furthermore City Attorney Charles Lawrence refused the Hattiesburg Patriot’s public record request for the investigation’s summary citing personnel matters. City Attorney Charles Lawrence is the person who asked Major Hardy Sims to use a federal background database to attempt to dig for dirt on a Ware trial witness.  The database is only legally accessible when a person is being investigated for a crime or terrorism activities.

The Hattiesburg Patriot requested copies of the documents that Councilman Carter Carroll was reviewing when questioning the Mayor anout the gasoline fraud, and the document can be found below. The relevant information can be found beginning on page 7 with the item description “WATER TRANS.” If you look at the November 20th dates you can see nine separate transactions, with many a mere few minutes apart. It is not clear how far back the theft is happening or what Minit Mart video shows, but the Hattiesburg Patriot is requesting fuel records initially going back the past 12 months.

**The Hattiesburg is a community supported investigative journalism and watchdog site designed to protect taxpayer resources and inform the citizens of corruption in government. We need your support to grow. Please join the HP Coalition by clicking subscribe button on the page and contribute $10.00 per month to help our organization hold our government to the highest possible standard.


Washington, D.C. Department of Justice Clerk Cast Hattiesburg Mayoral Absentee Ballot September 24th

Chari Lawrence In the next four years over 700 city jobs are employed under the Mayor, along with a $60+ million dollar annual budget, and the added lifetime expenditure of a generational $180 million dollar sewage treatment facility. So, not surprisingly many of the questionable and illegal ballots uncovered recently have been cast by city employees who stand to lose their jobs under a new administration. Included in the questionable ballots are a city judge, a city public defender, two Hattiesburg firemen, and a Hattiesburg Public School Human Resource Director. So, one has to ask, what about family members of city employees who stand to lose their positions? Might they have a motive for casting questionable or even illegal ballots?

One appointed position which likely faces an uphill battle is that of City Attorney Charles Lawrence. Mr. Lawrence a former councilman, municipal judge, and current city attorney has faced strong criticism by this publication and citizens concerned about transparency in our government and civil rights abuses perpetrated against its citizens.

When the Municipal Court scandal broke, Attorney Lawrence and Mr. Dupree constructed an unsigned Mayor’s report which was delivered to city the council. The unsigned report sanitized and even attempted to hide possible crimes, including bribes and the altering and destruction of official court documents by clerks as training matters. A leaked HPD internal affairs investigation report detailed a number of possible crimes that occurred. This leaked internal affairs report led the city council to unanimously and publicly admonish the mayor. The mayor was accused of “whitewashing” the facts and the Hattiesburg Patriot drew a possible conspiracy connection between the Mayor and City Attorney (see link). The city council’s letter admonishing the Mayor (see link) was read aloud, into the record, by Council President Kim Bradley. It was not the Mayor’s or City Attorney Charles Lawrence’s finest moment.

City Attorney Lawrence has made other poor choices which has led to public criticism.  During the Ware vs Dupree trial Mr. Lawrence asked HPD Major Hardy Sims to use a federal NCIC criminal background database on citizen and Dave Ware witness Arthur Smith. The NCIC background database can only be lawfully accessed for investigating crimes and possible terrorism activities.  Mr. Smith was merely a witness being called by Mr. Ware’s legal team. The actions of Charles Lawrence and Hardy Sims were likely a violation of Mr. Smith’s civil rights, and almost definitely a violation of federal law. It is certainly reflective of departmental leadership which abuses its power and resources to unfairly target citizens. Furthermore, why was the Hattiesburg City Attorney involved in a personal lawsuit against the mayor?  It all reeks of corrupt activity or abuse of power at the very least.

voter roll special election

In an interesting twist it has been uncovered that Mr. Lawrence’s daughter, who has worked in Washington, DC for two years five months voted in the September 24th Special Mayor’s Election. Ms. Lawrence works with the Department of Justice in the Civil Rights Division, Educational Opportunities Section,  and she previously worked with the U.S. House of Representatives.   Ms. Lawrence owns no property in Hattiesburg and her last known residency in Hattiesburg was her parent’s home.  Ms. Lawrence is 27 years old and voted by absentee ballot September 24.  There is no record of Ms. Lawrence voting in the June 4th election, and the Hattiesburg Patriot could not locate a voting record for the 2012 Presidential Election.  This absentee ballot raises more questions about legal, voting residency.

ballot request


Harrison County Resident Boasted on Facebook About Voting in Hattiesburg’s Special Election

Click to enlarge and read Mr. Delaine’s Facebook comments on September 24th.

Harrison County resident Arvell “Trey” DeLaine III openly boasted about voting in Hattiesburg’s special election on Facebook September 24th. Mr. DeLaine went so far as to invite other coastal residents still registered in Hattiesburg to ride with him to cast what would likely be an illegal vote. Records obtained by investigators working with the Hattiesburg Patriot shows Mr. DeLaine has lived and worked on the coast since the fall of 2010. Mr. DeLaine’s car has also been tagged in Harrison County.

Jones thanking Delaine
Click to enlarge picture and read Mr. DeLaine’s comments on Judge Carol Jones-Russell’s Elect Carol Jones for Justice Court Judge page.

What is even more interesting is the fact that Mr. DeLaine posted words of support on Judge Carol Russell-Jones‘ election Fanpage when she ran unsuccessfully against Gay Polk Payton for Justice Court Judge in District 3. Judge Jones-Russell is also under scrutiny for voting in Hattiesburg’s election and having two homesteads, one in Stone County and the other in Hattiesburg.

At the time when Carol Jones-Russell ran for Justice Court Judge, Mr. DeLaine posted words of strong support on Jones-Russell’s page. Mr. DeLaine said, “You know you’ve  got my FULL support. Just let me know what you need me to do and it’s DONE!” It is not clear if DeLaine voted in the justice court election between Carol Jones-Russell and Gay Polk Payton in 2011, or if he worked on Jones-Russell’s campaign.

A common theme in alleged illegal voting, DeLaine used the address of a relative, in this case his parent’s home, to cast his ballot September 24th. Illegal voting is a crime and carries up to six month in jail.

photo 2
The poll books show that Mr. Arvell DeLaine III did in fact drive up from his residence in Harrison County to cast a vote in Hattiesburg’s 2013 special election September 24th. DeLaine did not vote June 4th.











Arvell Delain III used the Hattiesbrug address of his mother and father to cast an alleged, illegal ballot September 24th.
Arvell DeLain III used this Hattiesburg address of his mother and father to cast an alleged, illegal ballot September 24th.

Petal Resident and Oak Grove School Teacher, Mamie Kim Johnson, Used Empty Lot to Cast Ballot September 24th

Petal resident and Oak Grove teacher Mamie Kim Johnson cast an illegal ballot on September 24th using a vacant lot at 15 South Hills Drive.  The lot had been occupied with a double wide trailer prior to 2007.  The Hattiesburg Patriot called Mayor Dupree’s PR representative’s office for a comment about the latest in a slew of illegal ballots, but the call was not returned.

Hattiesburg Municipal Pro Tem Judge Carol Jones-Russell Faces Possible Tax Charges and Illegal Voting Charges

Judge Carol Jones-Russell and Stone County resident voted June 6th. Click to enlarge.

Stone County resident and Pro tem Municipal Judge Carol Jones-Russell faces possible illegal voting and tax charges.  Judge Jones-Russell allegedly voted illegally in both of Hattiesburg’s mayor’s elections and violated Mississippi law when she and her husband claimed two homestead properties in 2013 .  Judge Jones-Russell used the same vacant house at 706 Tuscan as her father and Hattiesburg fireman, Greg Hinton to vote in the Hattiesburg election September 24th. Fireman Greg Hinton lives in Forrest County near Paul B. Johnson.

Judge Carol Jones-Russell voted in the September 24th election. Click to enlarge

Judge Carol Jones-Russell’s marital residence in Stone county is filed with the Stone County tax assessor as homestead. Marital couples are only allowed one homestead tax benefit. Claiming two homesteads is against the law.

Jones attempted to cancel homestead status on her marital residence in Stone County about two weeks ago after the Hattiesburg Patriot began exposing illegal voters, but the application was denied by the Stone county tax assessors office.

Judge Carol Jones-Russell has a second marital homestead that is a violation of Mississippi Law. Marital couples are only allowed one homestead.
Judge Carol Jones-Russell has a second marital homestead that has been revoked by the Forrest County Tax Assessor after an investigation of the residence showed that the property was vacant.  Married couples are only allowed one homestead as a primary residence. Click to enlarge

Jones-Russell  was in violation of law when she failed to remove her homestead status on the 706 Tuscan address after March 31st of this year when she moved to Stone County. The water at the address was disconnected after Jones marriage to Byron T. Russell. Adding to the evidence is the fact that in late June, Judge Jones-Russel renewed her Stone county plates on her 2007 white Chevrolet.  On September 26th Judge Jones-Russell had the water connected in her name. It appears that Mrs. Jones might be scrambling to build a “rebuttal defense” to an illegal voting indictment.

This homestead is Jones’ marital residence, where she resides with her husband Byron T. Russell in Stone county. Jones renewed her Stone County car tag in June of 2013. Jones was married in February of 2013.
This homestead is Jones’ marital residence, where she resides with her husband Byron T. Russell in Stone county. Jones renewed her Stone County car tag in June of 2013. Jones was married in February of 2012.

Judge Jones-Russell was the judge who swore Mayor Dupree into office for his 4th term after the first election. Jones-Russell could face disbarment or suspension if the Mississippi State Bar Association takes action. She also faces possible indictment by a grand jury. Judge Jones-Russell ran unsuccessfully for Chancery Court Judge in 2011.

**If readers know of any possible illegal voting please message us on Facebook or call 601-620-0104 ext 403. All tipsters are kept completely anonymous.

Hattiesburg Public Defender Alethea Shaw Allegedly Voted Illegally in the June 4th Election

Alethea Shaw Hattiesburg
Click to Enlarge. Pictured is Attorney Alethea Shaw’s Lamar County (non city) homestead where she apparently resides.

People who watched the trial and followed the details remember Hattiesburg Attorney and Public Defender Alethea Shaw as the as the person who was presiding over the inmates while they were voting by absentee. Witness testimony put Shaw with the inmates as they voted, while Notary Claudia Hibbler went room to room notarizing ballots after they had been signed. A notary is supposed to witness the signatures; however as absentee ballots were inspected, it was discovered that Hibbler notarized a ballot without a signature. Which begs the question, did she witness any of the signatures?

Alethea Shaw Hattiesburg
Click to Enlarge. Pictured above is Alethea Shaw’s Voter Registration showing her parents home.

According to court testimony, Hibbler left the jail with the ballots and delivered them to City Hall.  That isn’t legal procedure. Statute requires the voter to mail the ballot back when it was mailed to them. In the post election trial it was uncovered that the jailbird ballots had been opened and tampered with after they left the jail in the possession of Claudia Hibbler.  In addition to that, there are numerous legal issues with the jailhouse absentee votes.  One person who voted was a minor at seventeen years of age, and several more were disenfranchised felons. Lastly, state law does not even permit inmates to vote absentee.

Alethea Shaw Hattiesburg
Click to Enlarge. The above picture shows the poll books for the June 6th election (top) when Alethea Shaw cast her ballot. The bottom section shows the September 24th poll book when she didn’t vote.


Johniece Durpee prepared the typed requests for the jailbird ballots, notarized the requests, and delivered them to city hall personally. This begs the same question as Hibbler. Did Johniece witness the signatures? At trial, a rather comical display occurred when Dupree attorney Precious Martin stated that Mrs. Dupree could not find her notary book as a result of the tornado which hit in February, months before the election.Regardless, delivering the absentee ballot requests for the jailbirds did not meet the statutory requirement; nor did her personally prepared absentee ballot requests.

Attorney Alethea Shaw
Pictured above is the property owner’s information where Public Defender Alethea Shaw was registered to vote.

In a not so surprising turn of events, it has been discovered that Public Defender Alethea Shaw, who is a resident in Lamar County (outside the city), cast a ballot using the address of her parents at 814 Martin Luther King Avenue on June 4th. Shaw resides and is homestead at 408 Green Hills Drive in Lamar county. What’s even more intriguing is that Shaw voted June 4th, but she didn’t cast a ballot on September 24th. Shaw is appointed by the mayor and approved by council. It is anticipated that her career as a public defender is over, and she will certainty face a bar complaint filed with the Mississippi Bar Association.

**Citizens, if you have a tip on a possible illegal voter, please message us on Facebook, email [email protected], or call 601-620-0104 ext 403. All tipsters are keep strictly confidential. Please recommend this article and share it on Facebook. If you want to view the poll books, you can join the Hattiesburg Patriot Poll Book Group.    https://www.facebook.com/groups/1419605721591934/

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Forrest County Sheriff’s Office Captain Robert Gray Allegedly Violated Election Law By Casting Improper Ballot at City Address

robert gray hattiesburg
Click to enlarge. See above is the residence of Captain Robert Earl Gray with the Forrest County Sheriff’s Department. Captain Gray lives outside the city in Lamar County but voted in the recent September 24th election.
robert gray hattiesburg
click to enlarge. Forrest County Captain Robert Earl Gray used the address of a relative to vote in the September election. It is not yet clear if he used this address to register illegally. Captain Gray lives outside the city limits in Lamar county.

Forrest County Sheriff’s Department Captain Robert Earl Gray  allegedly violated election law and voted in the June 6th election. Captain Gray lives at 16 Pool Drive and has his property homestead there. Captain Gray used an address of an apparent relative to vote in the special election.  This alleged crime can either be a felony or misdemeanor according to law enforcement sources.

The possible relative who owns the residence where Gray registered to vote is Betsy A Gray. Mrs. Gray lives at 106 Townsend Street, and she has her property homesteaded there. According to voter registration records Captain Gray registered to voted at that address.  Mississippi state law clearly requires electors to vote in the precinct in which they reside. It is not yet clear if Captain Gray voted in previous elections, or if he committed a crime when he registered to voted at that address. Falsely registering at an address where one doesn’t reside is also a crime.

Mississippi Code is clear that registered votes MUST be registered on the registration books of the voting precinct of the residence of such person per SEC. 23-15-33. Registrar to register voters.

(1) Every person entitled to be registered as an elector in compliance with the laws of this state and who has signed his name on and properly completed the application for registration to vote shall be registered by the registrar on the registration books of the voting precinct of the residence of such person.

(2) Every person entitled to be registered as an elector in compliance with the laws of this state and who registers to vote pursuant to the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 shall be registered by the registrar on the registration books of the voting precinct of the residence of such person.

(3) Every person entitled to be registered as an elector in compliance with the laws of this state and who has registered to vote in federal elections pursuant to the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 prior to the effective date of House Bill No. 763, 2000 Regular Session, shall be registered by the registrar on the registration books of the voting precinct of the residence of such person.

It is anticipated that Sheriff Billy McGee will remain silent on this matter, as he did with Chief Deputy Charles “Plukey” Bolton’s attempt to retaliate against witnesses in the election trial in July who testified that he (Plukey) made promises for a prisoner voting for Dupree. Citizens are encouraged to call the Attorney General’s office and the local office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to demand action.

robert gray deed
Click to enlarge. Picture is the deed to the 16 Pool Street Address which clearly shows Robert Gray and his wife as the owners of the property. The date of this deed is 1987.










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