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Brett Favre’s Attorneys to Depose Ex-Gov. Phil Bryant in Mississippi Welfare Case

Attorneys for retired NFL quarterback Brett Favre will question former Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant about the state’s $77-million welfare scandal in a video deposition later this month, a new court filing says.

“PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that, pursuant to Mississippi Rules of Civil Procedure, undersigned counsel will take the deposition, under oath by oral examination and by videography of Dewey Philip Bryant, for all lawful purposes and for use at trial on Thursday, January 25, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. CST, in the offices of Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP, One Jackson Place, 188 E. Capitol Street, Suite 1000, Jackson, Mississippi 39201,” says the Dec. 28, 2023, notice.

Front Office Sports’ A.J. Perez first reported on the planned deposition this morning. There are no noted objections to the deposition from Bryant’s attorneys.

Click the screencap to read the deposition notice.

Between 2017 and 2019, the Bryant-appointed former Mississippi Department of Human Services Director John Davis and Mississippi Community Education Center nonprofit operator Nancy New directed millions in Temporary Assistance For Needy Families funds to Favre, a pharmaceutical business he was heavily invested in called Prevacus and a volleyball stadium he wanted built at the University of Southern Mississippi.

The athlete has denied knowing the money came from welfare funds, however, and is among dozens of people or organizations the State says received illicit funds. Favre has not been charged with a crime but is a defendant in a civil lawsuit as the Mississippi Department of Human Services fights to recoup millions in misspent TANF funds. While publicly released texts show Favre knew the funds came from the Mississippi State Department of Human Services, he has repeatedly said he did not know the money came from welfare funds.

Favre attorney Eric D. Herschmann, who previously served as an attorney for former President Donald Trump, signed the deposition filing. It says the “oral examination will continue from day to day until completed” and that the “deponent is requested to bring with him and produce at his deposition any and all documents reviewed prior to giving his deposition under oath.”

‘Not Taking No For An

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