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Baby bust’s effect on public schools

Mississippi public school enrollment is set to steadily shrink. In 2007, Mississippi had 46,455 births, about 127 per day. In...

Crime spike not due to prison reforms

Suggestions that the recent spike in homicides is due to recent statewide criminal justice reforms are not supported by evidence....

Now Hiring: Executive Assistant to the CEO & Development Manager

The Empower Mississippi team is making a difference in the lives of Mississippians by advocating for public policy changes that remove barriers to opportunity so all Mississippians can rise. We have led the fight...

Do you know the most common topic addressed in the Bill of Rights?

Do you know the most common topic addressed in the Bill of Rights – the topic addressed by four of the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution? With Bill of Rights Day being...

Opportunity Paves the Way for Clayborn to Find Success Beyond the Football Field

“I can’t guarantee you that you’ll succeed, but at least you can say you tried.” That theme has echoed throughout Jamaal Clayborn’s life. Growing up in inner city Jackson, Jamaal’s first love was always...

Opportunity Paves the Way for Clayborn to Find Success Beyond the Football Field

“I can’t guarantee you that you’ll succeed, but at least you can say you tried.” That theme has echoed throughout Jamaal Clayborn’s life. Growing up in inner city Jackson, Jamaal’s first love was always...

The Moffetts: four kids, three schools, one thriving family

With four children, Marcus and Christeen Moffett of Jackson find themselves busy with sports practices, dance, schoolwork, and so much more. “It’s a lot,” Christeen laughed. “We’re going in a lot of different directions.”...

What’s Your Favorite Halloween Candy? 

As a child, Halloween was one of my favorite times of the year. It was a time to get dressed up and act silly, to put out spooky decorations, and, best of all, to...

What’s Your Favorite Halloween Candy? 

As a child, Halloween was one of my favorite times of the year. It was a time to get dressed up and act silly, to put out spooky decorations, and, best of all, to...

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