Liberty needs leaders, and to secure the future of the liberty movement in our state, we have launched the Mississippi Leadership Academy. We held our inaugural session on Saturday.
Twenty young people are taking part in this six-part program is designed to equip them with the skills necessary to be effective change agents in Mississippi.
The students, many of whom attend the University of Mississippi, Mississippi State University, Mississippi College and several local high schools, heard from former Representative Hon. Chip Pickering and the state director for Americans for Prosperity, Starla Brown.
MCPP CEO & President Douglas Carswell began the program by encouraging the students to think critically about issues within our state as they continue the course over the next six months. Pickering discussed what makes Mississippi a unique state, and Brown led her session on the importance of liberty.
The students proved to be intelligent scholars, asking thought-provoking questions and engaging in unique discourse about public policy.
The program ended with the students receiving two books — “Inventing Freedom,” written by Daniel Hannan and “The Rational Optimist,” written by Matt Ridley. In a few months, the students will get to speak with both of these authors and ask questions about the books and the themes within them.
The students will convene again in November for their second session where they will hear from State Auditor Shad White.
We’re so thankful the first session was a success and look forward to meeting with our students again.
Read original article by clicking here.