With Medicaid expansion seemingly being on the verge of passing in Mississippi a year ago, but never making it across the finish line, many believed those talks would seamlessly convey to the 2025 session and pick up there. But now, the federal government and a level of uncertainty surrounding what healthcare as a whole might look like under a new administration is causing lawmakers nearly 1,000 miles away from Washington to virtually stop in their tracks to wait and see what President-elect Donald Trump may do.
Trump, a Republican who attempted to repeal large portions of the Affordable Care Act during his first term but failed to get enough congressional support to do so, will walk back into the White House next Monday with both chambers at his disposal as the GOP won a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate during the November elections. While Trump did have both chambers on his side from the time of his first inauguration in January 2017 until January 2019 when Democrats bounced back in the midterms, he could never create much headway in changing what government-provided insurance looks like.
Four years and a different president later, Trump will be the second commander-in-chief to serve nonconsecutive terms and with how it relates to the healthcare discussion, the one-time businessman has little to lose as this will be the beginning of his final four years in office – assuming he does not try to overhaul the Constitution’s two-term limit for presidents, as some people on both sides of the aisle have suggested he might.
With a gung-ho attitude and an incoming cabinet shaped to promote his goals, Trump has already begun to propose bold ideas like someone who is unfettered. Putting his stances on buying Greenland and changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the side, one of the ideas that has gained traction both on and off the internet is the Department of Government Efficiency – being referred to as DOGE. The proposed presidential advisory commission is set to be chaired by billionaire and
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