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Mississippi Today announces 2024 summer internships

Mississippi Today is inviting college juniors and seniors with a passion for journalism to apply for summer internships.

The Mississippi Today reporting internship provides aspiring journalists the opportunity to work in a Pulitzer Prize-winning newsroom, and learn a multitude of skills that will prepare them for a career in mission-driven, public service journalism.

We are looking for interns who can easily jump into daily news and enterprise coverage — including reporting on critical topic areas such as government, healthcare, education, justice and climate — alongside our seasoned reporting staff.

Ideal candidates will have experience reporting and writing on deadline and an interest in learning more about data analyzation, reader engagement and trust building.

“Internships serve a vital role in an aspiring journalist’s development,” said Debbie Skipper, Justice and Special Projects Editor at Mississippi Today. “While university and college journalism and mass communications programs offer a firm foundation, nothing prepares a student for a professional career like on-the-ground reporting and working in an atmosphere surrounded by experienced journalists. And, selfishly, we need to prepare the next generation of journalists to provide the reporting necessary to keep the public informed.”

Among past interns is Alex Rozier, who has been Mississippi Today’s data and environmental reporter since 2017.

“Mississippi Today’s internship threw me right into the mix of local reporting, something that was hard for me to find just coming out of college,” Rozier said. “At a lot of other journalism internships, you get stuck doing data entry or transcribing interviews. But here I was immediately getting assigned stories to do by myself. Even though I was new to the state and much greener than my colleagues, I felt treated like an actual reporter, and like I was actually needed to fill holes in our reporting.

The paid, 10-week internship runs June 3 through August 12. Interested candidates can apply here. Deadline to apply is Friday, April 5. Additional questions? Contact HR Director Dylan Penny at [email protected].

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