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MUW Name Change Stalls Again

This article first appeared on the Magnolia Tribune.

  • Mississippi University for Women President Nora Miller says the “strategic pause” in the name change effort is to regroup and consider all perspectives.

A week after announcing its second attempt to rename the school, Mississippi University for Women President Nora Miller has released a statement saying they are taking a “strategic pause” in the effort.

“In order give our entire community time to regroup and consider all perspectives, we will take a strategic pause at this time as we continue to work toward a future name change,” Miller said. 

The legislation supporting the name change to Wynbridge State University of Mississippi – HB 1155 – appears to have stalled in the House Universities and Colleges Committee. 

An earlier proposal to rename the school as Mississippi Brightwell University also fell through in January. 

READ MORE: After Brightwell dims, MUW proposes name change to Wynbridge State University

One reason for the choice of Wynbridge was the school’s recommitment to centering their brand identity as “The W.”

Miller thanked the school’s Naming Task Force for their hard work on the effort as well as the Institutions of Higher Learning Board, university community members, the area legislative delegation and legislative leadership, donors and alumni for support.

However, the MUW President acknowledged the “alumni whose passionate love for the university urged a pause in the process and the need to expand communication channels and broader involvement of the alumni family as we move ahead.”

Miller said the school administration remains committed to a future name change. 

The university, founded in 1884, has said a new name is being considered since its current name – Mississippi University for Women – does not effectively reflect the best marketing strategy to incorporate male students.

This article first appeared on the Magnolia Tribune and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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