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What to know when heading to the polls in Mississippi’s Primary Election

This article first appeared on the Magnolia Tribune.


Polls open at 7 a.m. on Tuesday. Know where to vote, bring your ID, and do your research on who to vote for.

So, you’re planning to vote in the 2023 Mississippi Primary Election on August 8th. Here’s what you need to know as you head to the polls to cast your ballot for state, commission, legislative and county offices.

It’s a Party Primary Election

In Mississippi, those registered can choose to vote in either the Republican Party Primary or the Democratic Party Primary on Tuesday upon entering their precinct. Primary voters are selecting their political party’s nominee that then advances to the November 7th General Election.

In some races where there is no general election opponent, the winner of their party primary will win the seat.

Should a runoff election be necessary, it will be held three weeks later on August 29th.

Who’s on the Ballot?

Voters will be determining who will represent them in their home counties, such as in the positions of Supervisor, Sheriff, and Tax Collector, as well as who will be their voice in state government as their State Representative and State Senator, all the way up to the Governor.

For a sample ballot showing all state, commission and legislative races, click here for Republican or here for Democrat.

READ MORE: State, legislative races to watch in the Mississippi Primary Election

For a sample ballot specific to your county and/or precinct, contact your Circuit Clerk’s office.

If you’re interested in learning more about elections in Mississippi this cycle, you can scroll through and read Magnolia Tribune’s Elections Archives. There you will find the latest news and notes on state elections from who’s raising the most money to what groups are backing which candidates.

Have Your ID Ready

Mississippi voters must present one of the following forms of acceptable photo ID before casting their ballot on Tuesday:

  • A driver’s license, including driver’s licenses shown in mobile applications from the Mississippi Department of Public Safety
  • A government issued photo ID card
  • A U.S. passport
  • A government employee photo ID card
  • A firearms license
  • A student photo ID issued by an accredited Mississippi university, college, or community/junior college
  • A U.S. military photo ID
  • A tribal photo ID
  • Any other photo ID issued by any branch, department, agency or entity of the U.S. government or any State government
  • A Mississippi Voter Identification Card

When and Where to Vote

Polling places across Mississippi will be open from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. on Tuesday. If you are unsure where to vote, you can visit the Mississippi Secretary of State’s website, enter your address and see where you should go vote.

However, polling location information is provided and updated by local election officials and the SOS may not have the most recent location in their database. It is recommended you confirm your polling place with your county Circuit Clerk’s office. Find your Circuit Clerk here.

Electioneering Prohibited

Don’t wear your favorite candidate’s shirt or their campaign stickers when you go vote.

In Mississippi, campaigning, electioneering and the distribution of campaign materials within one hundred fifty (150) feet of any entrance to the polling place, except, when such may take place on private property located within 150 feet of the entrance to the polling place.

Where to Find Results

Magnolia Tribune will be tracking the election results for state, commission and legislative races throughout Tuesday evening and into Wednesday morning. Follow us on “X” (formerly Twitter) – @magnoliatribune, @frankcorder, @_SarahUlmer_, and @RussLatino – for the latest updates as races are determined. Be sure to check our website for election articles and stories of interest as well.

In addition, most local TV stations across the state will air your local results late Tuesday evening during their newscast.

This article first appeared on the Magnolia Tribune and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

Read original article by clicking here.

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