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Municipal Court report contradicts Mayor Johnny Dupree and city attorney Lawrence public statements

Amicus Curiae Statement to Hattiesburg City Council | October 01, 2012

“If people have concerns about our court, our court is fine.” Mayor Johnny Dupree  ”I said it last week and I’ll say it again now. There’s no corruption in our court system.” Mayor Johnny Dupree “The investigation uncovered mostly poor job performance which is being addressed by the administration,” Mayor Johnny Dupree.

     NOW INTO COUNCIL, through the undersigned advocate of the people, comes the Hattiesburg Patriot, and hereby notifies the council and affected parties of its intent to introduce intrinsic evidence of crimes, wrongs, and acts, in its case-in-chief, or alternatively, notifies the council and affected parties of its intent to introduce other crimes, wrongs, and acts in its case-in-chief.


Pursuant to evidence brought forth and articulated by Hattiesburg Police Department’s internal affairs report (the HPD report), made public on September 20, 2012, which shows a pattern of behavior that harmonizes with acts in violation of the Mississippi Code and reflects the corrupt intent and patterns of conduct of the municipal court clerks of the City of Hattiesburg, and which this advocate intends to introduce to the District Attorney’s office for the Twelfth Judicial District of the State of Mississippi, the U.S. Attorney’s office for the Southern District, State of Mississippi, and the Attorney General of the State of Mississippi.

The Hattiesburg Municipal Court Clerks (clerks), namely Rosaland Betts, Anna Clark, Nicki Hampton, and Sharon Mark, and John and Jane Does 1-100, engaged in a wide-spread pattern of abuse of their official public positions and allegedly violated their duties for private gain in a number of different ways.  This statement alleges ways in which the above mentioned parties sought to enrich themselves by abusing their positions.  (1)  Accepting bribes and pay-offs from, among others, an un-named bail-bond agent, Sandra Willis, Pearlie Mae Barney, Camilya Woods, and Melvin Trotter.

  •      Clerks receipt of things of value from persons seeking relief at court, including purses, money, clothing, and gasoline.
  •      Altering of official legal records.
  •      Clerks engaging in fraud of the public welfare assistance program (EBT card).
  •      Failure to perform duty.
  •      Lying to law enforcement personnel conducting an official investigation.
  •      Impersonating a municipal officer.
  •      Practicing law without a license.

As set forth in more detail below, the nearly identical characteristics (including purpose, time, personnel, and subject matter) between the above listed wrongful conduct and the inter-departmental alleged conduct reflects the intrinsic nature of this evidence….they are merely uncharged overt acts in furtherance of the alleged conspiracy.


The council is well aware of the facts of this case and therefore, they will only be repeated to the extent necessary for purposes of this statement.  A more detailed summary of the facts can be found in the internal affairs report of the Hattiesburg Police Department.


Through this pleading, the Hattiesburg Patriot puts the council and affected parties on notice of its intent to forward evidence to the appropriate law enforcement agencies of the following wrongful acts, all of which are relevant, probative, and necessary to provide this council with a complete picture of the overarching conspiracy set forth in this statement.

  • Anna Clark, based on her own admission in the internal police report, accepted things of value, such as money, gas, clothing, purses, and EBT cards, is in violation of:  MS Code 97-11-13. Bribery; penalty when officer, agent or trustee accepts bribe.
  • Ms. Clark, allegedly, on several occasions, acted in the role of City Prosecutor in violation of:  Mississippi Code 97-7-43. Impersonating state, county or municipal officer or employee.
  • Ms. Clark, while allegedly acting as prosecutor in open court, did engage in the unauthorized practice of law in violation of:  Mississippi Code 97-23-43. Profession; practicing without license.
  • Ms. Clark also allegedly failed to carry out her appointed duties in violation of:  Mississippi Code 97-11-37. Failure to perform any duty.
  • Nicki Hampton, by “scratching through”  court paperwork, after the judge had already set an amount for the defendant to get out of jail, did allegedly knowingly, maliciously, and unlawfully engage in the alteration of records in violation of: Mississippi Code 97-11-1. Alteration of records.
  • Ms. Hampton, according to the aforementioned HPD report, allegedly withdrew twenty-one (21) warrants over her time of employment, for a Mr. Jarvis Leggett, an uncharged party, in direct violation of: Mississippi Code 97-9-3. Court records and public papers; stealing, concealing, destroying, withdrawing, etc.
  • It is alleged that Ms. Hampton did, willfully and purposefully, mislead Judge Schmidt into believing that Mr. Leggett had served his time, when in fact, there was no documentation presented to the judge or for the file showing that he had been in jail to back up the TIME SERVED condition.  This overt action is in direct violation of : Mississippi Code 97-7-10. Fraudulent statements and representations.
  • It is alleged that Ms. Hampton did, on several occasions, did conspire with “others” to defraud the City of Hattiesburg by unlawful means, the payment of a just claim or penalty due the City of Hattiesburg, and did, through unlawful means, prevent the prosecution of suit for the proper enforcement of a claim or penalty, and when one or more such parties shall do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each of the parties to such conspiracy shall be guilty of a felony.  The act to effect the object of the conspiracy was the directing of Ms. Betts to enter said fraudulent documentation into the system, thereby, releasing Mr. Leggett from jail, in violation of: Mississippi Code 97-7-15. Conspiracy to defraud state; each party guilty of felony when one or more conspirators act.
  • It is alleged that Ms. Hampton, while over the Community Service Program, would allow some people to (a) sign up and complete the program without collecting the $35/$50 sign-up fee, and (b) allow people to exit the program with court abstracts in-hand showing that the fines had been settled with the City of Hattiesburg, thus depriving the City of Hattiesburg of prosecution of suit for the proper enforcement of a claim or penalty.  This allegation is a violation of Mississippi Code 97-7-15. Conspiracy to defraud state; each party guilty of felony when one or more conspirators act. This violation would include any and all parties (co-conspirators) which were benefactors of this scheme.
  • By the aforementioned litany of violations, Ms. Hampton  failed to perform her duties.  This, as well as neglecting to collect the program fees constitute dual violations of: Mississippi Code 97-11-37. Failure to perform any duty.
  • Sharon Mark, as bureau commander, instructed Rosaland Betts to only charge her God-son, Eric Bryant, One-hundred dollars ($100) for expunging of eight (8) charges, when the proper amount to be collected was $400.00, (fifty dollars ($50) per expunged case)  In so doing, Ms. Mark did willfully and knowingly deprive the City of Hattiesburg of Three-hundred dollars ($300), which did deprive the City of Hattiesburg of enforcement of a claim or penalty in direct violation of: Mississippi Code 97-7-15. Conspiracy to defraud state; each party guilty of felony when one or more conspirators act.; this action also constitutes the alleged violation of Mississippi Code 97-1-1. Conspiracy.
  • Ms. Sharon Mark, as bureau commander, would allow clerks to do their paperwork in whatever manner they saw fit up to and including expunging records.  She also allegedly allowed cases to not be filed after the cases were completed in the court system as well as allegedly not properly overseeing storage of said cases.  This is yet another alleged violation, by Ms. Sharon Mark, of Mississippi Code 97-11-37. Failure to perform any duty.
  • Rosaland Betts allegedly intimidated, seeking to “scare” witnesses with the intent of obstructing an official investigation. This alleged act violated Mississippi Code 97-9-55 If any person or persons by threats, force or abuse, attempt to intimidate or otherwise influence a judge, justice of the peace, juror, or one whose name has been drawn for jury service, witness, prosecuting or defense attorney or any other officer in the discharge of his duties, or by such force, abuse or reprisals or threats thereof after the performance of such duties, or to obstruct or impede the administration of justice in any court, he shall, upon conviction, be punished by imprisonment not less than one (1) month in the county jail nor more than two (2) years in the state penitentiary or by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00), or both such fine and imprisonment.

Alleged Professional Code of Conduct violations and statutes against

City Attorney Charles Lawrence

When Mayor Johnny Dupree and City Attorney Charles Lawrence produced a sanitized document to the city council attempting to obfuscate the truth and allegedly to hide serious crimes, the Hattiesburg Patriot alleges possible violations of the following:

ALLEGED VIOLATION Code of Conduct of Section 8.1 subsection (b)

An applicant for admission to the bar, or a lawyer in connection with a bar admission application or in connection with a disciplinary matter, shall not:
(a) knowingly make a false statement of material fact; or
(b) fail to disclose a fact necessary to correct a misapprehension known by the person to have arisen in the matter, or knowingly fail to respond to a lawful demand for information from an admissions or disciplinary authority, except that this rule does not require disclosure of information otherwise protected by Rule 1.6.

ALLEGED VIOLATION Code of Conduct of RULE 8.2 subsection (a)

(a) A lawyer shall not make a statement that the lawyer knows to be false or with reckless disregard as to its truth or falsity concerning the qualifications or integrity of a judge, adjudicating officer or public legal officer, or of a candidate for election or appointment to judicial or legal office. (*PATRIOT NOTE A Clerk is a public legal officer)
(b) A lawyer who is a candidate for judicial office shall comply with the applicable provisions of the Code of Judicial Conduct.

The Hattiesburg Patriot alleges that the statement in Mayor Johnny Dupree’s Administrative Summary, “The investigation uncovered mostly poor job performance which is being addressed by the administration,” is a reckless disregard for the truth.

ALLEGED VIOLATION Code of Conduct of RULE 8.3 subsection (b)

(a) A lawyer having knowledge that another lawyer has committed a violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct that raises a substantial question as to that lawyer’s honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer in other respects, shall inform the appropriate professional authority.

(b) A lawyer having knowledge that a judge has committed a violation of applicable rules of judicial conduct that raises a substantial question as to the judge’s fitness for office shall inform the appropriate authority. (Patriot Note – This would include city attorney Charles Lawrence, if he failed to report these occurrences.  When a judge allegedly allows a city clerk to act as prosecutor and that clerk is not a member of the Mississippi Bar that is not ethical or legal. If City Attorney did not report this, he allegedly violated Rule 8.3 subsection (b)

ALLEGED VIOLATION Code of Conduct of RULE 8.4 subsection (c) and (d)

It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to:
(a) violate or attempt to violate the rules of professional conduct, knowingly assist or induce another to do so, or do so through the acts of another;
(b) commit a criminal act that reflects adversely on the lawyer’s honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer in other respects;
(c) engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation;
(d) engage in conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice;
(e) state or imply an ability to influence improperly a government agency or official or to achieve results by means that violate the Rules of Professional Conduct or other law; or
(f) knowingly assist a judge or judicial officer in conduct that is a violation of applicable rules of judicial conduct or other law.

ALLEGED VIOLATION SEC. 97-1-1. Conspiracy subsection (f) 

If two (2) or more persons conspire either:

(f) To commit any act injurious to the public health, to public morals, trade or commerce, or for the perversion or obstruction of justice, or of the due administration of the laws;

(PATRIOT NOTE – See Administrative Summary submitted to council. It is alleged that Mayor Johnny Dupree and City Attorney Charles Lawrence engaged in a conspiracy to obfuscate the truth; thereby covering up felonies which occurred in the Municipal Court. This allegation is further supported in a unanimous letter from the city council to Mayor Johnny Dupree  in response to the Mayor’s administrative summary give to council. This Administrative Summary allegedly constitutes an overt act in furtherance of a criminal conspiracy to defraud the city of Hattiesburg in violation of SEC. 97-7-10. Fraudulent statements and representations. SEC. 97-7-15. Conspiracy to defraud state; each party guilty of felony when one or more conspirators act.

Alleged Statute Violations Against Mayor Johnny Dupree

SEC. 21-8-17 General powers and duties of mayor; approval of ordinances.

Alleged Violation SEC. 21-8-17. Subsection (1)

(1) The mayor shall enforce the charter and ordinances of the municipality and all general laws applicable thereto. He shall annually report to the council and the public on the work of the previous year and on the condition and requirements of the municipal government and shall, from time to time, make such recommendations for action by the council as he may deem in the public interest. He shall supervise all of the departments of the municipal government and shall require each department to make an annual report and such other reports of its work as he may deem desirable.

Alleged Violation SEC. 97-11-37. Failure to perform any duty.

If any person, being sheriff, clerk of any court, constable, assessor, or collector of taxes, or holding any county office whatever, or mayor, marshal, or constable, or any other officer of any city, town, or village, shall knowingly or willfully fail, neglect, or refuse to perform any of the duties required of him by law, or shall fail or refuse to keep any record required to be kept by law, or shall secrete the same, or shall violate his duty in any respect, he shall, on conviction thereof, be fined not exceeding One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), or be imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding six (6) months, or both.

ALLEGED VIOLATION SEC. 97-1-1. Conspiracy subsection (f) 

If two (2) or more persons conspire either:

(f) To commit any act injurious to the public health, to public morals, trade or commerce, or for the perversion or obstruction of justice, or of the due administration of the laws;

(*PATRIOT NOTE – See Administrative Summary submitted to council. It is alleged that Mayor Johnny Dupree and City Attorney Charles Lawrence engaged in a conspiracy to obfuscate the truth; thereby covering up felonies which occurred in the Municipal Court. This allegation is further supported in a unanimous letter from the city council to Mayor Johnny Dupree  in response to the Mayor’s administrative summary given to council. This Administrative Summary allegedly constitutes an overt act in furtherance of a criminal conspiracy to defraud the city of Hattiesburg in violation of SEC. 97-7-10. Fraudulent statements and representations and SEC. 97-7-15. Conspiracy to defraud state; each party guilty of felony when one or more conspirators act.)


For the reasons mentioned above, the Hattiesburg Patriot respectfully submits that the evidence of the clerks acts, as set forth above and attached documentation, as well as possible crimes allegedly committed by the administration should be considered during its case-in-chief here today as being relevant, and also extremely probative, as they relate to the acts alleged in this investigative summary. We feel this investigative summary provides reasonable grounds to terminate City Attorney Charles Lawrence and to appoint a new attorney, who can adequately represent the people of this municipality in carrying out transparency and the accurate reporting of possible crimes to our elected officials. We further ask the council to submit a complaint to the Mississippi Bar Association in connection with these allegations for a fair and impartial investigation into these allegations.

“The investigation uncovered mostly poor job performance which is being addressed by the administration,” Mayor Johnny Dupree.   

Respectfully Submitted,

The Hattiesburg Patriot

Video and additional documents to be posted 10-02-12. Like us on Facebook and enter your email address in the blue bar on the right for instant updates. [paypal-donation] Be sure to read the Hattiesburg Municipal Court Fiasco


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October 1, 2012

FLASH VIDEO (Apple format next section)

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Mayor Dupree Seems Perplexed: Council Tables Appointment of New Judge and Explains to Mayor the Municipal Court Problem “is systemic”.


The Hattiesburg city council unanimously tabled a vote today blocking the appointment of a new judge over the municipal court. Hattiesburg Mayor Johnny Dupree seemed perplexed at the decision. The council explained to Mayor Dupree that the municipal court has systemic issues and can’t be fixed by merely retraining or moving four employees.  There is no pro-tim judge in place; so the city will be scrambling to find a new one in the mean time. The three part-time judges make $50,000 annually. The new permanent judge has a proposed salary of $120,000 annually. Councilwoman Deborah Delgado felt that this salary was too high, given what other state level judges made.

The council went on to pass its budget four to one, and upon closing the meeting, citizen Joseph Rawson attempted to address the council to speak, but was shut down by Councilman Kim Bradley. This hearing was a special hearing and citizens were not allowed to address the council. Mr. Rawson is appealing the council’s vote to approve the budget. Rawson feels due process still has not been followed. Mr. Rawson first identified the council’s violation of the open meetings act of 1972 when they had a budget hearing during working hours. The law stated that budget hearings be held during “non working hours”. The Hattiesburg Patriot reported Mr. Rawson’s complaint and as a result of his attention to detail, the council had to hold a new hearing. Mr. Rawson is expected to address the council at next week’s citizen forum to explain his appeal.

After the meeting the Hattiesburg Patriot asked council President Kim Bradley if he felt the state auditor should look at the books of the Hattiesburg municipal court and check receipts with deposits. He seemed to be in agreement with having a more complete investigation. The mayor refused to speak to the Hattiesburg Patriot and quickly skedaddled when asked if he felt the state auditor should investigate further. The mayor’s $50,000 assistant, Mr. John Brown interjected asking my name. I asked Mr. Brown a question, but he skedaddled as well. Apparently he still stands by his position in a telephone call that no one practiced law without a license at the municipal court, and challenged the Hattiesburg Patriot’s knowledge of the law.  The Hattiesburg Patriot has several attorneys who advise us and who have reviewed the internal affairs report.

Mayor Dupree told WDAM, WHLT, and the Hattiesburg Patriot in a previous press conference that he can “handle criticism,” and that’s why he “gets paid the big bucks.” However the bucks aren’t big enough to answer the Hattiesburg Patriot’s questions. After all,  our questions are not  the “softball” type questions he gets with other news outlets. We have to shout them out and watch him run. That’s transparency for you.

The full video of the meeting can be seen below. If you want to skip forward you will need to pause the video, let it load, then skip ahead. The first part of the meeting covers the Municipal Court. The middle part of the meeting covers the budget, and the very last part is an interview with Kim Bradley and a skedaddle by Mayor Dupree.

[FMP width=”500″ height=”281″]/wp-content/Video/Full-Council-Videos/sept2012/9.25.2012.flv[/FMP]


Hattiesburg Mayor Johnny Dupree Receives Unanimous No Confidence Letter From City Council

Below you will find a letter to Hattiesburg Mayor Johnny Dupree from the Hattiesburg City Council. It is a unanimous letter from all five council persons. It demonstrates the Hattiesburg City Council’s grave concerns about the lack of transparency from Mayor Johnny Dupree. Quite frankly the Mayor out and out LIED to the citizens of Hattiesburg when he said, ““If people have concerns about our court, our court is fine”.  DuPree went on to say,”I said it last week and I’ll say it again now. There’s no corruption in our court system.”   LIE! LIE! LIE!

The City council was given a sanitized version written by Hattiesburg city attorney, Charles Lawrence. Attorney Charles Lawrence also served on an illegal bar ordinance committee in the fall and winter of 2011; and in the spring of 2012.  This advisory committee, drafting legislation to be voted on by council, clearly violated the Mississippi Open Meetings Act of 1972.   Hattiesburg Mayor Johnny Dupree and city attorney Charles Lawrence have PROVEN to be as transparent as the city’s lagoon water.

Concerned citizens need to call the Hattiesburg Mayor Johnny Dupree‘s office and ask why he felt citizens didn’t deserve the facts. Citizens should call 601-545-4500 and ask to speak to the Mayor. You can also call the $50,000 a year assistant to the mayor, John Brown, at his office at 601-545-4503 and/or his cell phone at 601-520-8502 to complain.

Please donate $10 to help support our efforts to deliver transparency in our government. [paypal-donation]

Undefeated Warriors Overcome Early Turnovers To Win Region Opener

Article By: Orie Hudson, Hattiesburg Patriot’s Oak Grove Sports Writer

The Oak Grove Warriors celebrated Homecoming on Friday night as they hosted the Forrest Hill Patriots in the region opener for both schools.     Things didn’t quite start off in the warriors favor in the early going. Four times in the first half the warriors reached the red zone, only to turn the ball over each time (2 fumbles, 2 Interceptions). After a scoreless 1st quarter the warriors got on the board in the 2nd on a 24 yard field goal by Luke Little with 8:51 remaining in the half.  Oak Grove led at that point 3-0. The score stood that way up until halftime after a hard fought 1st half by both squads.

The Patriots drove the 2nd  half kickoff down to the Warrior 37 Yard line before the Warrior D rose up and forced a fumble that was recovered by Warrior Safety John Addison Ford.  The warrior offense would use that momentum to put together an 8-play drive that was capped off by a Kirk McCarty to Johnathan McNair catch and run for a 15-yard touchdown play. This put the warriors up 10- 0 with 7:03 left in the 3rd.

The Warriors got on the board again in the 3rd when McCarty hit Logan Scott on an 11-Yard pass for a touchdown. Oak Grove added 2 touchdown runs in the 4th on runs by J.C. Keys(3 yards) and Jay Jordan(21 yards).  The Warriors improved to 5-0 on the season and 1-0 in region play. McCarty  finished the night 18/26 with 200 yards 2 touchdowns and 1 interception. The warriors will face Petal Thursday night 9/27/12 on the road. Game-time is set for 7:00p.m.

Sources Say Mayor Johnny Dupree Impeding Cleanup of Municipal Court: POLL: Is Hattiesburg Mayor Johnny Dupree a Liar?

Mayor Johnny Dupree Liar
Pants on Fire! The Mayor’s pants burst into flames after saying, “There is no corruption in our court system.” he went on to say “If people have concerns about our court, our court is fine,”

The Mayor told the press after Tuesday’s meeting, “If people have concerns about our court, our court is fine”.  DuPree went on to say,”I said it last week and I’ll say it again now. There’s no corruption in our court system.”

Mayor Dupree‘s pants then caught fire, and his belt could be seen some time later, hanging from a telephone wire. (See internal affairs report at bottom of page. Click on the little arrow in the top right of the document window to view it in full screen)

The city council’s letter to Mayor Johnny Dupree stated, “We requested results of the city’s internal investigation (attached), but instead received a report that sterilized the facts and minimized the impact of these employees’ actions, attributing much of it to poor job performance,” the letter stated.

Bradley went on to say in council session, “It’s a day that I can’t be surprised, because the court system is overseen by the police department, and they came to the administration last fall and said, ‘We have problems,’ and they asked for the ability to correct those problems and they were told that they could not,” Bradley said.

Unnamed sources tell the Hattiesburg Patriot that Chief Bolton wants to fire more people, but Mayor Johnny Dupree won’t let him. What is interesting is how the mayor wants to put the court’s problems under the police department, but it is Hattiesburg Mayor Johnny Dupree who appears to be impeding Chief Bolton’s handling of the matter and sanitizing the facts for the public. Based on information we have, the Hattiesburg Patriot FULLY supports Chief Bolton.

Citizens need to call the Hattiesburg Mayor Johnny Dupree‘s office and DEMAND that he let Chief Bolton do his job and clean up the court. Citizens should call 601-545-4500 and ask to speak to the Mayor, and demand Mayor Johnny Dupree step back and let justice be served. You can also call the $50,000 a year assistant to the mayor, John Brown, at his office at 601-545-4503 and/or his cell phone at 601-520-8502 to complain. If you see Chief Bolton, shake his hand and tell him “Thank you.”

Please donate $10 to help us continue to deliver transparency to citizens.[paypal-donation] Also, enter your email address in the blue email bar on the right hand side of the page. This will ensure you get an email alert any time we break a story.

*UPDATE – People have asked John Brown if there were persons in the court who were practicing law without a license. Mr. Brown lied and said “No”.  It is clearly stated in the below report that people did act as prosecutors without a license. It appears that lying is a contagion, and that if you get to close to the Mayor you might catch it, but that’s why they get paid the “big bucks”.

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People involved in the below report are:  Anna Clark, Nicki Hampton, Rosaland Betts, and Sharon Mark



Council Reads Unanimous Letter Strongly Admonishing Mayor Johnny Dupree’s Handling of the Municipal Court Scandal “MuniGate”

The Hattiesburg city council read a letter which strongly admonished Mayor Johnny Dupree for his lack of transparency in the municipal court scandal, and also his lack of action in the fall of 2011, when the problems were brought to his attention.  Mayor Dupree gave an interview to the press after the meeting which was hard to hear from our camera position. Basically, Mayor Dupree tried to spin the transparency and politics factor back on the council by claiming that since they sent a letter to the press, it was they who were playing politics and lacked transparency. However, he ignored my question asking him if the FBI came to his house. The Hattiesburg Patriot has been told by multiple sources that the FBI came to his house and took computer(s) and files. I called the Mayor Dupree‘s office earlier in the day to get a comment, but the Mayor did not return my call.

In the video below you will see three separate parts from two different meetings. The first segment is of myself at yesterday’s meeting letting the mayor know that citizens demand transparency, and that many felt he was playing politics. The second and third parts were from today’s (Tuesday, September 18th’s) meeting. The first part of Tuesday’s video contains a reading of the council’s letter to Mayor Dupree. This was done so it could be entered into the record. Supporters of Dupree will claim it was a political move, but the council obviously felt they needed to do this on the record, and let the citizens know they hear their voice. You know, government for the people; by the people?  The last part of the video is hard to hear, but in the end, you see him ignore my question twice asking, “Has the FBI been to your house?” Mr. Downtown John Brown was there to shut down the interview session. Nice transparency Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown was literally thumbs up; smiling at the mayor during his comments. Mr. Brown should have been holding pom poms and adorning a XXXXL mini skirt. That would have completed the picture perfectly.

Please donate $10 to help support our efforts to deliver transparency in our government. [paypal-donation]


[FMP width=”450″ height=”253″]https://mississippimedianetwork.com/wp-content/Video/Edited-Council-Video/dupree.flv[/FMP]

M4V VIDEO FORMAT FOR APPLE BELOW (Will need to fully download before it will play 60 megabytes

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September 18th, 2012


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September 17th, 2012


FLASH VIDEO (Apple format next section)

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Part 5

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Part 6

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Part 7

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$75,000 Theft Sidelines $250,000 in Hattiesburg Taxpayer Waste Management Resources

It was a rainy day; a day with Issac blowing through when I got a phone call; a call that a reporter would love to receive. “Tom, you won’t believe what I am telling you. There is a quarter million dollars of tax payer money sitting in a trash heap by Bobby Chain airport.” I waited for a follow up; there was a pause. “Tell me more”, I said. The story was told, and I am here to report it. Government theft and waste beyond what Hattiesburg citizens have seen to date.

Hattiesaburg News | Stolen Motors
Shown is the mounting bracket where the motor mounts to the aerator. Click to enlarge.

“Where are the motors for the aerators?” he asked?   “We don’t know; they are gone”. “What do you mean?” he said. A shrug of the shoulders said it all. They were gone.  50 to 75, fifteen horse power, 200 pound motors, and their covers, worth close to $75,000 were stolen.  The theft sidelined at least forty-seven pontoon style lagoon aerators worth close to a quarter of a million dollars; now sitting in a trash heap, useless, and ordered moved by Mayor Johnny Dupree to a “graveyard” next to Bobby Chain Airport.

These aerators paddle about the lagoons, stirring up the sewage, much like a miniature river boat; giving oxygen to the bacteria that eat the waste. These were the very same lagoons that filled the city with the stench of sewage; the lagoons that have costs the city of Hattiesburg thousands of dollars in EPA fines; all the while polluting the Leaf River and natural habitat.  Without them the discharge into the Leaf River will be contaminated, wildlife will suffer or die, and the citizens of Hattiesburg will pay MORE EPA fines.

I drove out to the “graveyard” with scattered showers and the tail end of Hurricane Isaac passing through, on a road saturated with mud and muck, video camera in

Hattiesaburg News | Stolen Motors
Shown is the graveyard of useless aerators. Click to enlarge.

hand, and filming what amounts to a quarter of a million dollars of taxpayer equipment piled up in a trash heap. I got the footage, but became stuck and had to call a friend with a four wheel drive to pull me out.

The records requests were submitted to the city a couple weeks later. It was discovered that on July 17th the city council requested that the Mississippi state auditor’s office investigate the theft, and on July 26th the auditor forwarded the request to David Huggins, Director of Investigations for processing and handling. Huggins office contacted the Mayor, but Huggins was sidelined like the other times. The mayor effectively said, “We got this”, and the investigation would be handled internally by the Hattiesburg Police Department. By taking this route the administration would be able to control the information, contain the mess, and keep a lid on it.

So I ask, “Where is the transparency in the current administration? Where were the other news outlets who sat on this story? Don’t we citizens deserve the truth, or should the truth be brushed under the rug of “personnel matters” and “executive sessions”? Is this the government we are paying for with our tax dollars? Apparently it is.

The Hattiesburg Patriot

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Be sure to read the Hattiesburg Municipal Court Fiasco