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City Clerk candidate Verlina Underwood “in couraged” about becoming Municipal City Clerk.

CLICK TO ENLARGE   Objective: To obtain a position that is challenging and will in courage (sic) me to always aim high.

Mayor Johnny Dupree is putting his purchasing clerk, Verlina Underwood up for the position of Hattiesburg Municipal City Clerk. According to her resume, she wants a position that is challenging and will “in courage” her to always aim high. This isn’t encouraging for the citizens of Hattiesburg.

alliance sales
CLICK TO ENLARGE Alliance Sales was owned by Thomas Pittman. Pittman has already cooped a plea deal with the U.S. Attorneys office a bid fixing and kickback scheme in charges unrelated to the City’s alleged issues.

Courage may be what Underwood needs moving forward in city government, as the Mississippi State Auditor has seized records from her department pertaining to several companies involved in possible bid rigging and kick back schemes. (Read that story by clicking here) The city, through the purchasing department, spent many thousands of dollars on general supplies with a company named Alliance Sales, and the city also had dealings with Century Management and Mike Miller Construction. Owners of these companies have plead guilty to defrauding the federal government in other schemes.

Alliance Sales supplied the city with everything from cleaning products to paper products and was owned by the wife of Thomas Pittman, Cyndi Pittman and a Cynthia Cooley.  The Registered Agent on the LLC is Thomas Pittman. Thomas Pittman, his son Tim Pittman, and Mike Miller have all plead guilty to defrauding the federal government with bid rigging and kick back schemes involving Century Management. Those guilty pleas have been posted the Hattiesburg Patriot’s Facebook Page. Cooley is presently in her 3rd year of an 89 month federal prison sentence for aggravated identity theft and credit card fraud, related to a 2012 conviction, where she stole over $500,000 from Thomas Pittman and his companies.

Miller allegedly created fake companies to bid against himself with city projects.  One of the alleged fake companies was Cantrell Construction. The projects, all below $50,000, are not required to be put out for public bidding.  Miller would then be awarded the jobs as the lowest estimate.   These bids were overseen by the purchasing department, and under the leadership of Verlina Underwood.  Underwood’s department never caught (or never alerted) authorities that fake, unlicensed companies were bidding on City projects and supply contracts.  Now, Mayor Johnny Dupree wants to promote Underwood to Municipal City Clerk. That definitely takes courage.



Sheriff Billy McGee makes questionable, sworn statements in divorce filing against wife


Sheriff Billy McGee has filed from divorce and in the sworn document he claims the following in paragraph 6.

The Plaintiff would show unto the Court that he has done everything within his power to make a success of the marriage of the parties; and that has been a good and dutiful husband, and has performed each and every obligation placed upon him by virtue of his marital vows; but not withstanding this, the Defendant has given him just cause for divorce.

Count records in the mistress’ divorce proceedings indicate that the affair began in the fall of 2013.  The two have been seen publicly together as early as June 2014, when her divorce was final.  McGee even appeared in Chancery court in support of her when a judge ruled on January 16th that the mistress’ children could not be around the sheriff.

What’s interesting is that the date of the divorce filing is the day before the hearing involving the mistress’ children. What’s even more interesting is that a month after the filing, his wife has not been served with the filing; so no court date is even set. After four months, if his wife is not served, she could petition to dismiss the filing.

McGee’s grounds for divorce cites habitual cruel and unusual punishment on the part of his wife.



While Manhunt Ensued in Forrest County, Sheriff Billy McGee Took Time to Support His Mistress in Chancery Court

Sheriff Billy Mcgee
Unafraid to Lead? it appears the Forrest County Sheriff’s Department is in need of new leadership.

An action filed by Jay Jernigan on behalf of his client, the ex husband of McGee’s current mistress, seeks to stop Billy’s mistress from bringing the couple’s children around the troubled Sheriff.  The action was heard in court on Friday before special Judge Hollis McGehee.

As the proceedings began, Jernigan noticed Sheriff McGee sitting in the court and motioned to Judge McGehee that he would like to call McGee forward as a witness. McGee’s mistress’ attorney objected saying McGee was not subpoenaed to testify. The Judge questioned a startled McGee.

McGee informed the Judge that was involved in another action involving alienation of affection. Judge McGehee then suggested to the Sheriff that he might call his attorney. McGee responded, “Am I free to go?” Judge McGehee said, “yes,” and the Sheriff  scurried out of the courtroom and never returned. Presumably to assist in a manhunt for a fugitive on the loose in Forrest County.
Shortly after the Sheriff left, his current wife entered the courtroom and sat on the side of the court showing support for the plaintiff. She listened to the testimony and spoke to Mr. Jernigan after the hearing.

The judge ruled that the children of McGee’s mistress are to have no contact with the married sheriff.

McGee is facing an FBI and Mississippi State Auditor investigation of his department where well over a million dollars in food was stolen from the jail. The kitchen manager and cook have taken plea deals in the 12 year conspiracy. It is speculated that the conspiracy reaches the highest levels of leadership in the department. McGee is also being sued for alienation of affection by the ex husband of McGee’s mistress.

Mayor Dupree Throws Hail Mary and Gives Two Middle Fingers With Two New Appointees


Two of the Mayor’s new appointments, City Attorney and Police Chief, read like a Hail Mary accompanied by two middle fingers, and they have many prominent citizens of this community and top Dupree supporters in the white community horrified at his announced intentions. Flak is flying in all directions, and people are putting great pressure on the city council to prevent a major power grab by the mayor and his friend, televangelist Kenny Fairley.

Sources tell the Hattiesburg Patriot that Frazier Bolton’s tenure as police chief may be cut short, and that a rift about vacation time between the Mayor and Chief recently occurred. Regardless, the Chief may be forced out by the mayor’s own action, or by a judge ruling in favor of Councilmen Bradley and Carroll in their latest legal action suing the mayor to perform his duty and make department head appointments.  Bolton’s days are clearly numbered, unless a deal is struck with at least three council members to keep him on.

mary dryden hattiesburg
Councilwoman and Groundworx Advocate Mary Dryden #greedworx

What’s particularly interesting is that Ward 4 Councilwoman Mary Dryden was not a plaintiff in the recent lawsuit against the mayor, and sources have told the Hattiesburg Patriot that in recent days, Dryden has had an extended conversation with Mayor Dupree involving his appointments. These decisions have some asking, is this a political opportunity for Dryden to bring  Groundworx back to the table with the Mayor? Will she support the current Chief?  They are questions worth asking. What is known is that a meeting occurred between Dryden and the Mayor, and shortly after than meeting these appointments were put forward. (Read more about Dryden’s family connections with Groundworx here).

Councilmen Kim Bradley and Carter Carroll’s most recent lawsuit over Dupree’s failure to bring all department heads up for a vote “within a reasonable period of time,” as required by Mississippi Statute, is almost identical to the action filed in 2005 by councilmen Red Bailey, Carter Carroll, and Kim Bradley. Circuit Judge Bob Helfrich’s ruled in favor of the three councilmen back in 2006, and that ruling was unanimously upheld by the Mississippi Supreme Court after 16 months of litigation and the appeal process.

Since the 2013 special election, Dupree has had 15 months to put appointments up for a vote. Dupree’s odds of prevailing in the current scenario, up to now, were next to nothing. Now, with every position having been brought forward for appointment, Dupree has a new defense in his case.

The key positions in question are currently held by Police Chief Frazier Bolton, City Attorney Charles Lawrence, Pro Tem Municipal Judge Carol Jones Russell, and Public Defender Alethea Shaw.  Interestingly the person being put up for police chief is none other than Fairley’s brother in law, Mitchell Dent.

Mitchell Dent Hattiesbrug Police Chief
Mitchell Dent was demoted from Chief all the way down to Captain in 2001 by incoming Mayor Laurence Leyens.

Dent has a long standing career in law enforcement; however it isn’t without questions or concerns. Dent was demoted in 2001 when Lawrence Leyens was elected Mayor. Dent left VPD in 2002 and worked in the private sector for approximately 10 years.  Dent was hired back on at the Vicksburg Police Department from 2010 to 2013 by Mayor Paul Winfield after Winfield won the election against two term incumbent Mayor Laurence Leyens in 2009.  Winfield is now one year into a two year prison sentence for accepting a $10,000 bribe while acting as Mayor. It is not clear if  Winfield has written a letter of recommendation letter from prison for Dent.

Lawrence’s Facebook posts seem to be obsessing with Ferguson and the violence that erupted in the small Missouri town. Click to enlarge
Lawrence seems to focus on the actions of a miniscule minority to validate his radical, militant viewpoints. Shouldn’t we all work together to move our community forward? Click to Enlarge.
Could this be Hattiesburg’s next City Attorney? Click to enlarge.
A City Attorney nominee who condones violence, rioting, and looting? Click to enlarge.

Another appointee is “CJ” Lawrence for City Attorney. Mr. Lawrence is a Jackson attorney and the son of current City Attorney Charles Lawrence. Lawrence is a self described “public figure” and “activist.” Lawrence went to Ferguson, Missouri to protest in the “Hands Up” campaign. Lawrence has referred to black America as “second class citizens.” His actions and style mimic the Reverend Al Sharpton, but seem to condone violence in the process, as was seen in Ferguson.  Lawrence said,

“Well now it’s time to rock the boat again, while resistance in the form of rioting and looting may not be your cup of tea, understand that for some, their passion and energy is all they can give for change.”

Lawrence’s  father,  the current City Attorney Charles Lawrence, cannot get council support for reappointment, That stems from his role in ordering a criminal federal background check against Arthur Smith, an African-American witness set to testify against Dupree in the Ware vs Dupree trial. Smith never testified, and when the matter became public, Lawrence went on camera and made statements which Smith alleged were defamatory. Smith has sued Mr. Lawrence for defamation among other allegations. Lawrence’s use of federal, criminal resources in this manner was a clear violation of Mr. Smith’s rights and an abuse of the FBI’s NCIC system. You can read that story by clicking here.

City Attorney Lawrence was also accused by council of “white washing” facts and crimes in a report he prepared for the city council over corruption within the City’s Municipal Court. More can be read on that matter by clicking here. At that time, the court was under the control of Police Chief Frazier Bolton. The court is now run by full time judge, Gerry Evans.

A third appointee is the widow of Dupree trial attorney Precious Martin. Mrs. Crystal Wise Martin is up for Municipal Court Judge Pro Tem. a Pro Tem judge sits on the bench when Judge Gerry Evans recuses himself from hearing a case or is unable to hear a case. A Pro Tem Judge is an “as needed judge.” While Martin lives in the Jackson area, she could perform her duties by commuting. It is speculated that Dupree is trying to help the wife of an old friend gain health insurance, benefits, and earn state and city retirement pensions. Since the death of her husband Martin has sued the mistress of her husband for alienation of affection when it was discovered that Precious Martin left his mistress $500,000.  Read more about that by clicking here.

If approved Martin would replace Judge Carol Jones Russell. Russell was reported on this site and WDAM for having two homesteads, having her cars tagged in Stone County, residing in Stone County, and voting in Hattiesburg last election. More on that can be read by clicking here.

A concern expressed by others is that if actions on these appointments are tabled as opposed to being voted down, the mayor may appointment Mitchell Dent and/or  CJ Lawrence as temporary replacements, if Chief Bolton and/or Charles Lawrence step down. The Mayor could then delay putting the temporary appointees up for council approval for as long as 16 months.

With evidence of FBI and State Auditor investigations swirling around the Hub City, and guilty pleas of illegal voting among appointed members of the administration, political tensions are high, yet  Dupree’s Machiavellian-style leadership is still alive and well.

**The Hattiesburg Patriot encourages all citizens to email their councilperson and express their support or non support for Mayor Dupree’s latest appointments.

Mary Dryden Ward 4 – [email protected]
Kim Bradley Ward 1- [email protected]
Carter Carroll Ward 3 – [email protected]
Deborah Delgado Ward 5 – [email protected]
Henry Naylor Ward 2 – [email protected]

City’s Contract with Groundworx Deemed Unconstitutional By Judge in Blanton’s Motion to Dismiss


The City of Hattiesburg’s contract with Groundworx has been ruled unconstitutional by Chancery Judge Ronald Doleac. You can read the ruling below.

Ward 4 Counciwoman Mary Dryden voted for the contract.  Dryden’s in laws stood to make an estimated $12 to $18 million dollars on the contract by leasing and/or selling thousands of acres of land. Dryden was a vocal supporter of Groundworx. Read more on that here.


Unafraid to Feed: Former Jail Cook Expected to Plead Guilty in Billy McGee Detention Center Food Theft Ring on Monday

Billy McGee's campaign slogan in the past has been "Unafraid to Lead." Rumor has it that Mcgee's new slogan will be "Unafraid to Feed."
Billy McGee’s campaign slogan in the past has been “Unafraid to Lead.” Rumor has it that if McGee’s has the nerve to run for re-election his new slogan might be “Unafraid to Feed.”

Billy Mcgee ran for election under the slogan “Unafraid to Lead,” now with between $1.5 million and $2 million in food being stolen at the jail in the last 12 years, McGee may need to  consider a slogan change to “Unafraid to Feed.”

Jerry Woodland aka “Jerry Wayne,” the former cook at the Billy McGee detention center, is expected to plead guilty to one count defrauding the federal government and admit to conspiracy, mail fraud, and other crimes involving  a 12 year food theft conspiracy at the detention facility. Woodland worked under the supervision of kitchen manager Alan Haralson, who has already pled guilty to the same single charge in the 12 year conspiracy.

A Hattiesburg Patriot source, who was not authorized to speak to the media, said Woodland would purchase the food from other conspirators at the jail at prices below market value. Stolen food was also used in local bars, sports bars, cookout teams, and catering companies affiliated with the conspirators.

Charles "Plukey" Bolton apparently eats very well and has a great plate lunch at his family's sports bar Sports 22 on Hall Street.
Charles “Plukey” Bolton apparently eats very well and has a great plate lunch at his family’s Sports 22 Bar on Hall Street.

Sources who wish to remain anonymous out of fear of retribution told the Hattiesburg Patriot that key conspirators in the theft ring would pull their vehicles up next to food delivery trucks at the jail and offload certain food items directly into their vehicles.

Given the nature of the plea deals, it is expected that both Haralson and Woodland will become key federal witnesses against other conspirators who work at higher levels at the Billy McGee Detention Center.  Sources close to the investigation indicate that the conspiracy reaches the upper levels of leadership. The food theft was so out of control that the jail actually exceeded the legally allowed food cost limit of $6.00 per day per prisoner.

The Forrest County Sheriff Department’s attorney is local Hattiesburg attorney Jim Dukes. It is not clear why Mr. Dukes didn’t catch this legal violation while he was attorney for both the county and the jail. Also, according to Hattiesburg Patriot sources, Mr. Dukes has been called as a witness in the federal grand jury proceedings and will be unable to represent Charles “Plukey” Bolton or Billy McGee should either be prosecuted criminally in the conspiracy.

A video of Mr. Haralson leaving the Federal courthouse after pleading guilty can be seen by clicking here.  Jerry woodland will be in court to plead guilty at 9:30am at the federal building. Documents related to his pleading are below.


Hattiesburg Fire Chief Paul Presley Plans to Promote Illegal Voter Joe Anderson to Captain

presely2 Leadership at the Hattiesburg Fire Department is becoming a disgrace. But given the history of the Fire Chief that’s no surprise. Chief Paul Presley never took the exam to become assistant chief, which is required by the Civil Service Commission. Mayor Dupree allegedly told Presley that he didn’t have to take the exam. Chief Presley also allowed Firemen Joe Anderson and Greg Hinton to leave the fire station to vote illegally during Hattiesburg’s mayor election, knowing that they were not residents of the city.  In doing so, Presley enabled the illegal voting to take place.

Groundworx Documents Reveal 2013 Ward 4 Candidate Chris Price Was Being Paid By Groundworx, and Dryden’s In-laws Would Make Millions on Deal

January 2013: Chris Price announces his candidacy for Ward 4 council seat.
January 2013: Chris Price announces his candidacy for Ward 4 council seat.

On January 22nd, 2013 local Realtor, Chris Price, announced his candidacy for Ward 4 councilman; and on March 7th of 2013 Price officially registered to run as a candidate for Ward 4 City Council. That very same day the Mississippi Ethics Commission delivered an opinion stating that Price could not earn a commission and participate in votes on Groundworx.  Sources tell the Hattiesburg Patriot that Price was to earn $200,000 if Groundworx became a reality. (Read that article by clicking here)

The very next day,on March 8th, after registering as a candidate, Groundworx paid Price $2,000 for “Logistics

Groundworx payments to Chris Price. Click to enlarge.
Groundworx payments to Chris Price. Click to enlarge.

Environmental Management.” Price had outstanding invoices with Groundworx for $5,000 dated January 1, 2013 and another for $5,000 dated February 1, 2013. Price dropped out of the race on March 22nd but continued to be paid fees by Groundworx. From the period March 8th, 2013 to May 22, 2014 Price billed $101,000 to Groundworx for “Logistics Environmental Management,”  and has been paid $52,000 by Groundworx. Interestingly, Price’s request to the Mississippi Ethics Commission made no mention about the fees he was receiving from Groundworx, nor the money Groundworx already owed Price.  The opinion requested by Price only asked the Commission to address Price earning a commission.  Price was and continues to be a staunch advocate of the Groundworx system.

When Price stepped down as a candidate he told the media

“because of the nature of my profession, I feel that where I can most effectively serve the community now is by continuing with this work, which is a critical part of Hattiesburg’s future.”

mary dryden hattiesburg
Councilwoman Mary Dryden

Price was the favorite to win; however his departure led to an endorsement of Mary Dryden. Five months prior Dryden moved from Dixie to Hattiesburg and qualified to run for City Council three months later. Interestingly, Dryden had her own potential conflict of interest with Groundworx, but not as obvious as Price’s conflict.

Dryden’s son in law is Joseph Tatum III. His  father is Chip Tatum, who owns Tatum Tiber. Tatum Timber was paid $156,000 by Groundworx for options to acquire the land as spray fields for waste water. If Groundworx were to be implemented by the city, Tatum Timber would have made an estimated $10,000,000 to $16,000,000 on the deal. Some described the potential win fall as “generational wealth” for her son in law Joseph Tatum III.

Not surprisingly, Dryden was one of the strongest advocates for implementing Groundworx. Dryden even went so far as to speak publicly to the news about the pending litigation between the city and Groundworx. She commented that the city was going to have to pay Groundworx $6,000,000 in damages; this without so much as a court hearing on the matter. Discussing pending litigation is never done by elected members of government because it can have an adverse affect for taxpayers when settlements are to be negotiated or trials are to occur.  Comments such as Dryden’s served not only to taint public opinion, but to mislead the public about the legalities of the contract and the legal obligations of the City.

Payments made from Groundworx to Dryden's in-laws.  Dryden's in-laws stood to make millions if the project was implemented.
Payments made from Groundworx to Dryden’s in-laws. Dryden’s in-laws stood to make millions if the project was implemented. CLICK TO ENLARGE

It seems that Groundworx is a critical part of certain family’s financial best interest, but not in the interest of the rate payers.  At times Dryden and Price look more like a shills for Groundworx than people advocating for their constituents.


“Shill” typically refers to someone who purposely gives onlookers the impression that they are an enthusiastic independent customer of a seller (or marketer of ideas) for whom they are secretly working. Shilling is illegal in many circumstances and in many jurisdictions  because of the potential for fraud and damage; however if a shill does not place uninformed parties at a risk of loss, but merely generates “buzz,” the shill’s actions may be legal. For example, a person planted in an audience to laugh and applaud when desired (see claque), or to participate in on-stage activities as a “random member of the audience,” is a type of legal shill.

Do you think Mayoral and council candidates should disclose financial connections with companies doing business with or seeking the business of the municipality?

Do you think Dryden have recused herself from Groundworx voted for moral or ethical reasons?

Post your comments here or on Facebook.


Blanton Hands Stunning Defeat to Groundworx in Motion to Intervene

Click to enlarge

Chancery Judge Doleac ruled in favor of  Thomas Blanton’s motion to intervene in the Groundworx lawsuit against the city.  Blanton, represented by local Attorney Michael Adelman, argued that the contract between the city and Groundworx was unconstitutional, based on Article 7, Section 183 of the Mississippi Constitution which says,

No county, city, town, or other municipal corporation shall hereafter become a subscriber to the capital stock of any railroad or other corporation or association, or make appropriation, or loan its credit in aid of such corporation or association.

If Blanton wins his argument, the result will be the contract between the City and Groundworx will become null and void.  Groundworx will have no claim of damages, and taxpayers will be off the hook for the irresponsible decisions of our mayor and city council who voted for this contract.

The four council members who voted for the contract were Henry Naylor, Kim Bradley, Carter Carroll, and Mary Dryden. The Mayor also approved this contract.

It is expected that Blanton’s attorney, will file for summary judgement in the case, asking Judge Doleac to rule that the contract violates the Mississippi Constitution and be declared null and void.

Sheriff Billy McGee Sued For Allegedly Breaking Up Family with Extramarital Affair

Sheriff Billy Mcgee
Unafraid to Lead? it appears the Forrest County Sheriff’s Department is in need of new leadership.

Things just keep getting worse and worse for Sheriff Billy McGee.  Lawsuits are piling up against the Sheriff and his troubled department. The FBI, State Auditor, and DEA allegedly have investigations into years of food theft, mishandling of drug evidence, and sex with inmates at the Billy McGee Detention Center. Meanwhile, McGee has allegedly been carrying on an affair while on the job with a woman he was meeting in his county vehicle, using undercover plates. Documents obtained by the Hattiesburg Patriot allege one location McGee was tracked to in a meeting with his mistress was the Sacred Heart School parking lot.

In the latest lawsuit, McGee is accused of Alienation of Affection resulting from his involvement in the affair.  It is alleged that he encouraged the breakup of the marriage and family.  According to documents obtained by the Hattiesburg Patriot,  McGee’s wife learned of the affair, and she allegedly bugged his vehicles with a voice activated recorder and GPS tracking device.   Mrs. McGee was subpoenaed in court for the records but invoked spousal privilege and the 5th amendment in her successful attempt to quash the subpoena. That article can be read HERE.

McGee is the head of the Forrest County Sheriff’s Department and responsible for setting the moral standard. If McGee can’t keep a vow to his wife, how can voters expect him to keep his oath of office and run the department with moral authority?

The Alienation of Affection lawsuit is below. The Hattiesburg Patriot has redacted the names of the private citizens involved in the lawsuit to protect their privacy.  Read More about the problems at the jail HERE.
