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Mayor Johnny Dupree Honors Lab Techs

On Tuesday's, March 20th City Council meeting Mayor Johnny Dupree honored lab techs from the area.

Public Hearing Nixed Due to Back Room Negotiations, Leaving Hippo Supporters Thirsty for Details.

As the Jackie Dole Community Center was filling up with Thirsty Hippo Supporters and media, John Lee and his legal...

Hattiesburg City Councilman Dave Ware discusses the proposed night club ordinance on 2.06.12.

In this video with WDAM, Hattiesburg City Councilman Dave Ware discussed the proposed nightclub ordinance. Ware later refused to support...

Hattiesburg city council redistricting public hearing Jackie Dole Community Center May 17th video (PART 2 HD)

This part two begins in the middle of Reverend Ken Fairley's presentation to the council. His plan creates a 3rd...

Reverend Ken Fairley presented his redistricting plan on May 29th, 2012

Reverend Ken Fairley stood before a mostly white audience and gave a heartfelt presentation about the fairness of three minority-majority...

Redistricting Public Hearing #3 at Danny Hinton Community Center Full Video (HD)

These videos are HD and require a broadband internet connection. Part 1 This video includes Chris Watkins giving an overview of the...

Landmark Lost: An Investigation into Contractor Incompetence and the Destruction of Eaton School

"Is it the state, is it the city administration, the architect, the contractor," asked Dave Ware, Ward Four Councilman? "I think that's a very important question that needs to be answered. Someone should be...

Dupree to have Fundraiser Hosted by Supporters. FBI Still Investigating Mayor Dupree and Municipal Court.

The Hattiesburg Patriot received an invitation from a 3rd party source for a February 28, 2013 fundraiser at the home of Dr. & Mrs. Farrell located at 1106 Windsor Drive in Hattiesburg for Mayor...

Patrick Zachary, Forrest County School Board attorney owes the IRS $174,979.99 in back taxes.

Some may call him a "tax avoider", but the fact of the matter is that Mr. Patrick Zachary, the attorney for the Forrest County School Board, owes the IRS a whopping $174,979.99.   And...

Mayor Johnny Dupree Cited “personnel matters” in Scheme: Russell Davis & Tim Pittmon Repaid Over $28,000

An independent investigation commissioned by the city council found that two of Mayor Johnny Dupree’s appointees were involved in an overtime and payroll doctoring scheme, attempting to bilk thousands of dollars from taxpayers. The...

Municipal Court report contradicts Mayor Johnny Dupree and city attorney Lawrence public statements

Amicus Curiae Statement to Hattiesburg City Council | October 01, 2012 "If people have concerns about our court, our court is fine." Mayor Johnny Dupree  ”I said it last week and I’ll say it again...

Hattiesburg Mayor Johnny Dupree Receives Unanimous No Confidence Letter From City Council

Below you will find a letter to Hattiesburg Mayor Johnny Dupree from the Hattiesburg City Council. It is a unanimous letter from all five council persons. It demonstrates the Hattiesburg City Council's grave concerns...

Sources Say Mayor Johnny Dupree Impeding Cleanup of Municipal Court: POLL: Is Hattiesburg Mayor Johnny Dupree a Liar?

The Mayor told the press after Tuesday's meeting, "If people have concerns about our court, our court is fine".  DuPree went on to say,"I said it last week and I'll say it again now....

Council Reads Unanimous Letter Strongly Admonishing Mayor Johnny Dupree’s Handling of the Municipal Court Scandal “MuniGate”

The Hattiesburg city council read a letter which strongly admonished Mayor Johnny Dupree for his lack of transparency in the municipal court scandal, and also his lack of action in the fall of 2011,...

$75,000 Theft Sidelines $250,000 in Hattiesburg Taxpayer Waste Management Resources

It was a rainy day; a day with Issac blowing through when I got a phone call; a call that a reporter would love to receive. “Tom, you won’t believe what I am telling...

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